This is the sixteenth Rules Variant, part of an ongoing series about Earthdawn Fourth Edition. Introduction and Index.
Everything contained here is the work of a fan and not associated with FASA Games.
The fantasy adventuring genre (aka, the D&D genre) has never been particularly strong/detailed when it comes to social mechanics. For better or worse, this was typically left to groups to figure out on their own. Depending on the game/edition, this might be pure roleplaying or some skill checks with some talking to fill in the gaps. Hopefully the roleplay matched the results.
The social system (Attitudes) in Earthdawn is a pretty good system and has been for over 20 years. This is especially true given its origins in 1993. Attitudes create some depth to relationships, or at least how they respond. Which is great compared to the somewhat "single serving" nature of most NPCs and how skill checks deal with them. Though gaming technology has advanced since its introduction.
This rebuild is an attempt at giving players a little more agency with regard to the social system, which has previously been entirely in the GM's hands. It also gives something to use against the players, where before it was very NPC focused. While there are good ideas in here, I'm not certain how they play out in the wild. Which is—hopefully—where you come in.
Special thanks to Brett Bowen for help with this.
OverviewMany social abilities allow characters to alter attitudes (typically improving them) and also apply social conditions. When a social condition is applied, the target has a choice: they can behave in a fashion according to the condition or ignore the condition. Each of these choices has consequences depending on the nature of the condition. Conditions are all intended to encourage a particular behavior, whether through a
boon or an
Boons provide bonuses to the target if they behave according to the condition. For example, a character with the
friendly 2 boon may receive +2 to appropriate Action tests as long as they are behaving in a friendly manner. If the character doesn’t act in a friendly manner (as indicated by the condition), they don’t receive a bonus.
In contrast, impairments inflict penalties on the target if they don’t behave according to the condition. The same
friendly 2 condition could be inflicted as an impairment instead, causing the target a -2 penalty to all Action tests unless they act in a friendly manner. They aren’t forced to behave in this fashion, but by doing so they avoid the associated penalty.
This presents a choice to NPCs and players alike on how to behave in a given social situation.
Frightened is a condition often found in combat and it’s generally assumed those involved swallow their fear and soldier on, suffering the penalties. However, they could give in to their fear and flee, thus suffering no penalties to their Action tests, but their opponent’s goals are usually met in this situation anyway.
Using social abilities on player characters is always fraught with peril because they generally force some kind of action upon the losing party. This denies them agency in their story and being magically compelled into an action isn’t fun at best. As well, some players can take things too far and force characters into uncomfortable situations for players.. First off—don’t do that. Social conditions give incentive to roleplay the results of these interactions, but no one (including NPCs) is compelled to do so. This crucially moves social abilities away from mind control.
Conditions are not inherently magical even if applied through magic unless otherwise noted. The best indication of this is allowing an ongoing resistance test to overcome the effect or the ability is a Sustained action. This indicates magic is actively inducing the condition and can be affected by abilities such as Dispel Magic and Suppress Curse. In the case of a Sustained action, the negating effects must be used while the action is being performed. Once used, it is typically too late. For simplicity, the
persistent keyword indicates an ability cannot be ended through external means.
The target of a condition typically must be able to understand the character, even if applied through magic. It is one of the few instances where ignorance is bliss. Others being the Sonic fandom, model trains, and the comments. An exception to this is
fear, which is something of a universal language to anything that knows fear. A gamemaster may apply penalties if the threat relies heavily on communication, rather than an object display or filling the area with an air of menace. Gamemasters may allow some tests to inflict a condition even if the target cannot understand, though a penalty may be appropriate. It is possible, though difficult, to transcend the limitations of verbal communication. Particularly with good roleplaying.
As a general rule, fear-related conditions can only be created through abilities with the fear keyword. The standard fear-related condition is
frightened, but other descriptors can be used even as they have the same effect.
If a character has multiple conditions applied, only the largest boon and impairment to a given characteristic affects the character. These do not stack. For example, if suffering penalties from both
frightened 4 and
helpful 2, the character only suffers -4 to their Action tests. If a boon is added into the mix, it is treated in the same fashion (only the highest benefit), but separate from the impairment. This prevents stacking multiple similar conditions to force a course of action, crippling someone with too many contradictory conditions, or stacking too many bonuses.
Unless otherwise noted in the ability, condition levels provide Action test penalties equal to the level. Any ability with the
impairment keyword can be affected by
active defenses for the appropriate Defense.
How Does This Work with Attitude Levels?Introducing conditions largely replaces Attitudes in the short-term capacity where these abilities operate. Attitudes change based on the relationship between the characters and can reflect a useful shorthand for how they feel about each other. This does not mean all Attitudes are fully reciprocal. One character may be Loyal while their counterpart is Neutral.
However, Attitudes can and even
should still impact how these abilities are used. Some conditions are easier to apply to the targets based on their Attitude. For example,
deceived and
friendly conditions are more difficult to apply to targets with Unfriendly or worse Attitudes. These tests should require more successes based on the Attitude. While those are comparatively easy when used on targets with Friendly or better Attitudes. Evidence of a deception is likely to reduce an Attitude if uncovered regardless of their initial Attitude, just as any attempt to intimidate.
Attitudes and conditions also come into play when asking for a favor. The target’s Attitude determines the successes required based on the size of the favor, while an appropriate condition modifies the target’s Social Defense. A condition must align with the approach the character is taking for this to work. A character with a
helpful condition won’t respond usefully to threats, but requires offers of a returned favor or compensation. The
frightened condition requires additional twisting of the screws to secure the favor, which can be a dangerous game if the target feels they have nothing left to lose.
Social InteractionsBelow are the general Interaction Action tests any character can engage in without the need for special abilities. This isn’t intended to be exhaustive, but this list should be sufficient for most purposes when a test is required. None of these actions have a rank associated with them since they are not skills or talents.
Step: CHA
Action: Standard
Keywords: Condition. Impairment.
The character convincingly deceives their target. The character makes a Deceive Action test against the highest Social Defense in the target group. Believable deceptions receive a bonus, while more far-fetched deceptions receive a penalty. If successful, the targets gain 1 level of a deceived impairment condition per success. This also inflicts a penalty to Defenses in addition to Action tests if ignored, due to the nagging distractions accompanying the dissonance. This condition persists until it is moot or the character is confronted with evidence of the deceit.
If Deceive is used in combat, it requires three additional successes against the target as the target is certainly Hostile to the character. This is based on the target’s Attitude and not in addition to typical penalties from Attitude.
This action can be used once per scene per target.
Step: CHA
Action: Sustained (30 minutes)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment.
The character seeks to change their target’s attitude toward themselves or another target. The character makes an Influence Action test against the highest Social Defense in the target group, +1 per additional target. If successful, the targets gain 1 level of the appropriate impairment per success. This impairment can be positive (e.g. friendly), negative (antagonistic), or something else entirely (suspicious) as desired and typically lasts until the end of the scene. Additional successes can instead be spent to create multiple impairment conditions directed at different characters.
For example, a character with two additional successes (three successes total) could increase their initial friendly 1 impairment condition to level 2 directed at the acting character with one additional success, and add a distrustful 1 impairment condition directed at a different character with the remaining additional success.
This action can be used once per scene per target.
Step: CHA
Action: Standard
Keywords: Condition. Fear. Impairment.
The character attempts to cow their target through some means, such as a threat or display of force. The character makes an Intimidate Action test against the highest Social Defense in the target group, +1 per additional target. If successful, the targets gain 1 level of the frightened impairment condition per success until the end of the scene. Characters with a convincing display, such as an appropriate reputation or the bodies of numerous opponents liberally strewn behind them, may gain a bonus to this test at the gamemaster’s discretion.
This action can be used once per scene per target. If an Intimidate test is failed against a target, a convincing display is required for a subsequent test and the benefit may be reduced or waived.
Note: An argument Strength should be used in place of Charisma for this test can be made, but it is not a good argument. This is a threat of violence, implied or overt, and this requires presence. Particularly if you intend to intimidate someone who faces down the various creatures of Barsaive and lives with the knowledge of the Horrors still in the world. A stronger character being more intimidating is akin to smelling a rose and thinking it would make for better soup than onions. A bonus from a convincing display can be applied at the gamemaster’s discretion (as noted previously), but it is still Charisma-based.
Arcane Mutterings
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Concentration. Condition. Fear. Impairment.
The adept confuses others by muttering dire, largely incomprehensible, warnings and making an Arcane Mutterings Action test against the highest Social Defense among the target group. If successful, the targets become confused and gain 2 levels of the frightened impairment condition per success and a -2 to Social Defense until the end of the encounter, the target is engaged in combat, or the adept stops sustaining this talent. The penalty to Social Defense is not a condition and applies as long as Arcane Mutterings is being used.
Skill Use: This inflicts 1 level of frightened per success..
Battle Bellow
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 1
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Fear. Impairment. Persistent.
The adept issues a great bellow, inspiring intimidating their enemies and inspiring their allies. The targets must be within the adept’s Battle Bellow rank ×10 yards. The adept makes a Battle Bellow Action test against the highest Social Defense of opponents in the area, +1 for each additional opponent. Frightened opponents do not increase the difficulty for being additional targets. If successful, opponents affected by the talent gain 1 level of the frightened impairment condition per success until the end of the next round. Allies in the area gain 1 level of the inspired boon condition per success until the end of the next round; this only applies to their close-combat Attack tests. The targets do not need to be able to understand the adept for this talent.
Battle Shout
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 1
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Fear. Impairment. Persistent.
The adept issues a loud shout, intimidating a single foe. The target must be within the adept’s Battle Shout rank ×5 yards. The adept makes a Battle Shout Action test against their target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target gains 2 levels of the frightened impairment condition per success until the end of the following round. Each use against the same target in a given encounter increases the Difficulty Number by 5. The target does not need to be able to understand the adept for this talent.
Skill Use: This cannot inflict more than the frightened 4 impairment condition.
Champion Challenge
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Condition. Fear. Impairment. Persistent.
The adept calls a formal challenge to the leader of an opposing group, urging him to let single combat decide an impending battle. The adept makes a Champion Challenge Action test against the target leader’s Social Defense. If successful, the target may accept or ignore the challenge.
If the target refuses the challenge, both they and their troops become demoralized and suffer 2 levels of the frightened impairment condition per success until sunrise. This also applies to all Defenses.
If the target accepts, both sides may negotiate terms or commence fighting immediately. The talent provides an unspoken connection to immediately communicate each side’s intentions.. After the fight, the victor makes an Intimidate test against the highest Social Defense of the opposing side, with a bonus equal to the Circle (or equivalent) of the defeated opponent. The opposing side gains the frightened 2 impairment condition against the victor and their allies until sunrise.
Anyone interfering with the challenge immediately causes their side to lose the challenge (regardless of which champion was interfered with). In addition to the other penalties for losing, the side is Harried until sunrise. If someone unaligned with either group (e.g. an independent diplomat) interferes, there is no effect.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Persistent. Replacement.
The adept is able to make a favorable impression in social situations through tone and word choice appropriate to the situation. This replaces the Influence action for actions associated with this talent. The adept decides what impairment condition they wish to give, spends at least ten minutes in conversation with the group, and makes a Conversation Action test against the highest Social Defense among the target group, +1 per additional target they wish to affect. If successful, the adept gives the target an appropriate impairment condition to the conversation. Each success provides 1 level to the condition. The condition lasts for days equal to the adept’s Conversation rank. The adept can affect a maximum number of targets equal to their Conversation rank at one time.
This condition must be directed at the adept specifically and is not a general mood. The adept can initiate a conversation and interact before using this talent, but the required time does not begin elapsing until that decision is made. This talent can be used once per target per day. If the target has a condition given by the adept, a subsequent successful use of this talent replaces the condition with a new condition even if it is lower level.
Skill Use: This requires 30 minutes.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Persistent. Replacement.
The adept mediates disputes and influences the development of mutual interests. This replaces the Influence action for actions associated with this talent. The adept decides what impairment condition toward the other party they wish to give (it must be conciliatory in nature, such as mollified or willing), spends at least ten minutes in conversation with the target, and makes a Diplomacy Action test against the target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target gains a condition indicating their more conciliatory stance towards the opposing negotiator. Each success provides 1 level to the condition. If the target does not behave accordingly, they suffer a penalty to all Action tests. The “other party” cannot be the adept or one of their allies.
While this might not necessarily settle a dispute or prompt the target to sign a contract, the use of Diplomacy usually helps to get the parties working together to approach the matter from a mutual perspective. The condition lasts until sunrise. This talent can be used once per day per target.
Skill Use: This requires 30 minutes.
Emotion Song
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Persistent.
The adept sings songs that instill a basic emotion in the audience, such as fear, love, hate, happiness, anger, or joy, directed at the subject of the song. For example, a song about love for a king gives the audience the love impairment condition directed at the king named in the song. Each performance requires at least ten minutes to complete, after which the adept makes an Emotion Song Action test against the highest Social Defense among the audience. The adept can perform for no more than their Emotion Song rank in hours, after which they cannot use the talent again until after sunrise.
The maximum number of people who can be affected by a performance is equal to the adept’s Emotion Song rank ×10. Each success affects 20 percent of the audience. If the audience is too big to be affected completely, the adept targets a localized part of it. Once the adept affects the current audience, they can continue their performance, engaging a bigger audience.
If the adept fails an Emotion Song test, the adept must stop performing—the crowd has grown weary of the performance, but the effects of the performance to that point, if any, are still felt by the audience. On a Rule of One for any Emotion Song test, the effect of the song changes, turning the emotion felt by affected members of the audience into the opposite emotion intended, changing the condition appropriately.
The song’s effect lasts for a number of days equal to the adept’s Emotion Song rank, during which time those affected suffer the appropriate level 2 impairment condition towards the song’s subject.
Skill Use: This requires 30 minutes.
Engaging Banter
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (special)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Concentration. Illusion. Impairment.
The adept uses charm and a touch of suggestion to distract a character. The adept makes an Engaging Banter Action test against the highest Social Defense of the target group. If successful, both parties engage in witty, idle chat for the encounter, during which time the targets gain the distracted impairment condition and are Harried. Each success provides 2 levels to the condition. Bantering requires the adept’s concentration; if broken, or if the target is attacked, the talent ends. This can affect up to Engaging Banter rank targets at once.
Skill Use: Remove the illusion keyword and the target is not Harried.
First Impression
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Persistent. Replacement.
The adept favorably impresses a character they meet, whether through a witty remark, insightful observation, or other charming approaches. This replaces the Influence action for actions associated with this talent. The adept makes a First Impression Action test against the target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target gains either the friendly or helpful impairment condition until the end of the scene. Each success gives 1 level. Each subsequent use of this talent on the same target reduces the number of successes by 1. This reduction is cumulative and does not expire.
Any hostile act the adept commits against the target immediately ends the condition.
Skill Use: This is limited to 2 successes.
Step: Rank+WIL
Action: Standard
Strain: 1
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Condition. Fear. Impairment.
The adept scares a target by staring silently into the character’s eyes and making a Frighten Action test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the target gains 2 levels of the frightened impairment condition per success. This lasts for a number of rounds up to the adept’s Frighten rank. Each round, the target may make a Willpower test against the adept’s Frighten Step. if successful, they throw off the effects and the talent ends. The target does not need to be able to understand the adept for this talent.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Beast. Condition. Fear. Impairment.
The adept causes crippling fear in one or more characters or creatures by imitating the aggressive sounds of a creature they personally trained. The adept makes a Howl Action test against the highest Social Defense in the target group, +1 per additional character or creature. The targets gain 2 levels of the frightened impairment condition until the end of the next round per success. The targets do not need to be able to understand the adept for this talent.
Impressive Display
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Special
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Limited. Persistent.
The adept impresses a target with a display of skill. This display can be of any kind, as long as the target(s) observe it, such as archery, rhetoric, or swordsmanship. The adept makes an Impressive Display Action test against the highest Social Defense in the target group, +1 for each additional target. This test is limited by the appropriate ability (the adept’s Action Step cannot be higher than the final Action Step of the ability they are using for the display) and uses the same action type as the ability being used for the display.
If successful, the targets are impressed by the adept’s prowess and gain 1 level of an appropriate impairment condition (e.g., friendly, helpful, impressed) per success until sunrise the next day. The normal effects of the associated ability (e.g., Damage from a Melee Weapons test) do not apply; the goal is only to impress. This includes any abilities normally used for Attack tests, as this is not an Attack test. Impressive Display requires a Standard action, even if the selected ability is not typically a Standard action. Not all abilities are appropriate for use with Impressive Display.
For example, Lady Haytrish plans to impress some unhelpful yokels with her bear hands, using Impressive Display with her Unarmed Combat talent. She has a base Unarmed Combat Step of 14 (Dexterity Step 6 and Unarmed Combat rank 8). She also has various thread items that give her +3 to her Unarmed Combat Step. However, her bonuses to unarmed Attack tests do not apply to this because she’s not attacking anyone. Though she wishes she was. This gives her a final Unarmed Combat Step of 17. Her Impressive Display Step is 13 (Charisma Step 7 and Impressive Display rank 6) with no additional bonuses. Since her Impressive Display Step is the lower of the two, she uses it for the test.
Skill Use: This is limited to 2 successes.
Inspire Others
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Persistent.
The adept inspires their companions, raising spirits and boosting morale. They speak inspirational words, then make an Inspire Others Action test against the highest Social Defense among the target group, +1 for each additional target. This only affects Friendly targets. If successful, all targets gain 1 level of the inspired boon condition per success for a number of rounds equal to the adept’s Inspire Others rank. This condition also affects the target’s Social Defense.
Lasting Impression
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Persistent.
The adept impresses a group of characters when leaving the group. They strike a dramatic pose or make a short soliloquy, then make a Lasting Impression Action test against the highest Social Defense among the target group, +1 per additional character. If successful, a powerful image of the adept is imprinted in the targets’ minds. This removes all cumulative penalties for First Impression and the adept gains +2 per success to their next First Impression test they make against the affected characters. If the adept is seen by any of the target characters within one week of the adept’s departure after using this talent when leaving the group, all effects of this talent end for that target.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (5 minutes)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Persistent.
The adept leads a group of gamemaster characters no larger than their Leadership rank ×20 members by giving a short speech, then making a Leadership Action test against the highest Social Defense among the target group. If successful, the affected characters gain the follower 2 boon condition. The success level determines the talent’s duration. A single success causes the condition to last for one scene; two successes means the lasts until sunrise; three or more successes means the condition lasts for Leadership rank days.
While under the adept’s leadership, followers must accept the adept as their commander to receive the boon. This grants them an authority typical to being their designated commander in a military environment, but can be used in other situations, such as being a superior in an administration or a foreman in construction. This talent can be used once per day.
Skill Use: This is limited to 2 successes.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Persistent.
The adept rallies everyone to break free from their fears and any unnatural influence, to strike back and reclaim their liberty by making a Liberation test against the highest Social Defense of their allies and opponents within rank × 10 yards. If successful, everyone within range makes one Willpower test against all ongoing effects which are unnaturally altering the target’s emotions, related to compulsion or fear, or causing penalties to Social Defense, even if a Willpower test is not normally allowed. This includes all conditions, even persistent and boon conditions. The tests gain the adept’s Liberation rank as a bonus. The Willpower test result is compared against the resistance Difficulty Number for each effect. If there is no specified resistance for an effect, the original Step is the Difficulty Number to end the effect.
In addition, affected targets gain +2 to Mystic and Social Defense, and Willpower tests per success against future such effects for Liberation rank rounds. Affected targets may take this moment of clarity to instantly evaluate their actions, allegiances, standing, etc., and declare themselves allies of the adept.
Shout of Justice
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Fear. Impairment. Persistent.
Shout of Justice is the adept’s personal battle cry that strikes fear in the hearts of tyrants and encourages the oppressed and their allies. The adept makes a Shout of Justice test against the highest opposing Social Defense within rank × 10 yards. If successful, enemies within range 1 level of the frightened impairment condition per success until the end of the next round. This also applies to Social Defense. Allies within range gain 1 level of the inspired boon condition per success until the end of the round. This also applies to their Social Defense and Willpower tests against fear effects. This talent has no effect on any targets if there are no tyrants opposing the adept.
Slough Blame
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Condition. Illusion. Impairment. Replacement.
The adept temporarily diverts suspicion and blame from one character to another by concocting a plausible explanation. This replaces the Deceit action for actions associated with this talent. The adept makes a Slough Blame Action test against the highest Social Defense in the accusing or scapegoat group, +1 for each additional character involved. Believable deceptions receive a bonus; there are no penalties for far fetched deceptions as the illusion magic takes care of that.
If successful, the accusing group gains 2 levels of the deceived impairment condition per success until the end of the scene. This also inflicts a penalty to Defenses in addition to Action tests if ignored, due to the nagging distractions accompanying the dissonance. The target likely realizes they were deceived at the end of the scene, but this is at the gamemaster’s discretion. Particularly successful or believable deceptions may persist at which point the condition is moot.
Steely Stare
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 1
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Condition. Fear. Impairment. Persistent. Replacement.
The adept intimidates a character with their piercing gaze and generally imposing demeanor. This replaces the Intimidate action for actions associated with this talent. The adept stares intently at the targets and makes a Steely Stare test against the highest Social Defense in the target group. If successful, the targets gain 1 level of the frightened impairment condition per success until the end of the scene. Characters with a convincing display, such as an appropriate reputation or the bodies of numerous opponents liberally strewn behind them, may gain a bonus to this test at the gamemaster’s discretion.
This action can be used once per scene per target. If a Steely Stare test is failed against a target, a convincing display is required for a subsequent test and the benefit may be reduced or waived.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Simple
Strain: 1
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Persistent.
The adept distracts a character by insulting and humiliating them. They make a Taunt Action test against the target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target gains 1 level of the insulted (or similar, such as aggrieved, humiliated, outraged, etc.) impairment condition per success for a number of rounds equal to the adept’s Taunt rank. This condition also affects the target’s Social Defense.
Winning Smile
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 1
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Boon. Persistent.
The adept appears more attractive to another person. The adept makes a Winning Smile Action test against the target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target finds their appearance very pleasing. The adept gains +2 per success to their next Charisma-based condition test against the target and has the option of providing a boon instead of an impairment. The condition applied must be reflective of this talent in some way.
While most effective against members of the same race, the adept can use this talent on characters of other races, though typically with greater difficulty. The gamemaster should determine whether such an attempt requires more successes to be effective and, if so, how much higher. This may also increase based on the preferences of the target.
Pep Talk
Talent: Conversation
Requirements: Rank 6
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Standard Effects.
The adept applies a boon condition rather than an impairment condition. The benefits only apply to Action tests appropriate to the condition. This cannot give bonuses to Action tests in combat.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Conversation rank.
Web of Lies
Talent: Conversation
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Replacement. Standard Effects.
The adept builds an elaborate web of lies, almost an alternate reality built upon the fiction. Believable deceptions receive a bonus, while more far-fetched deceptions receive a penalty. The adept replaces their Charisma Step with their Web of Lies Step when making a Deceive Action test. Characters affected repeatedly or particularly successfully buy into the lies such that even evidence falls on deaf ears.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Conversation rank.
Concealed Interest
Talent: Diplomacy
Requirements: Rank 6
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Warden)
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The “other party” the condition is directed at can be one of the adept’s allies. This knack can be combined with other Diplomacy knacks.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Diplomacy rank.
Hostile Negotiations
Talent: Diplomacy
Requirements: Rank 9, Poisoned Influence, Strategic Backing
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Standard Effects.
The condition applied by the adept is antagonistic (e.g., belligerent, hostile, irritated) rather than conciliatory. This cannot give bonuses to Action tests.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Diplomacy rank.
Poisoned Influence
Talent: Diplomacy
Requirements: Rank 7
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The condition applied by the adept is antagonistic rather than conciliatory.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Diplomacy rank.
Strategic Backing
Talent: Diplomacy
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (10 minutes)
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Standard Effects.
The adept applies a boon condition rather than an impairment condition. The benefits only apply to Action tests appropriate to the condition. This cannot give bonuses to Action tests in combat.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Diplomacy rank.
Bearing and Comportment
Talent: Etiquette
Requirements: Rank 7
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Persistent.
The adept behaves appropriately for the social situation they are in. They make a Bearing and Comportment (10) Action test and gain a boon condition related to the expected behavior for the situation (e.g., a military drill may be disciplined, while a noble ball may be dignified) until the end of the scene. The adept must be familiar with the culture to use this knack, including through use Etiquette. This knack does not apply to blending into the criminal element.
Grand Entrance
Talent: First Impression
Requirements: Rank 7
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 3
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The adept must make a grand gesture when entering a room by dramatically opening doors, sweeping aside curtains, etc. Once inside, the adept can affect all the room’s occupants with one Grand Entrance Action test
Fast Talk
Talent: First Impression
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 1
Skill Use: Yes (Novice)
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The adept applies the deceived impairment condition to the target until the end of the scene. The test is modified by how the adept attempts to deceive the target. Believable deceptions receive a bonus, while more far-fetched deceptions receive a penalty. This also inflicts a penalty to Defenses in addition to Action tests if ignored, due to the nagging distractions accompanying the dissonance. The target likely realizes they were deceived at the end of the scene, but this is at the gamemaster’s discretion. Particularly successful or believable deceptions may persist at which point the condition is moot.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s First Impression rank.
Inspiring Impression
Talent: First Impression
Requirements: Rank 8
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Boon. Standard Effects.
The adept applies a boon condition rather than an impairment condition. This cannot give bonuses to Action tests in combat.
Skill Use: This skill rank cannot exceed the character’s First Impression rank.
Fiery Display
Talent: Impressive Display
Requirements: Rank 5, Fires of Gahad rank 2
Restrictions: Fire Eater rank 1
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Special
Strain: 1
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The adept’s performance is accompanied by flames licking from their body, adding their bonus from gahad to the Impressive Display Action test. The condition applied must directly work toward ending the adept’s gahad. This knack can be combined with other Impressive Display knacks.
Intimidating Display
Talent: Impressive Display
Requirements: Rank 4
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Special
Strain: 0
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
Keywords: Fear. Standard Effects.
The adept applies a frightened impairment condition instead.
Skill Use: The skill rank cannot exceed the character’s Impressive Display rank.
Talent: Picking Pockets
Requirements: Rank 7, Streetwise
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Boon. Condition. Persistent.
The adept behaves appropriately for the social particulars of the criminal element they find themselves in. They make a Kingpin (10) Action test and gain a boon condition related to the expected behavior for the situation (e.g., a meeting on the docks might be not a cop, while a tense meeting between rival gangs might be definitely not a cop) until the end of the scene. The adept must be familiar with the culture to use this knack, including through use of Streetwise.
Will of Steel
Talent: Steely Stare
Requirements: Rank 6
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+WIL
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Standard Effects.
This changes the Attribute used.
Universal Language
Talent: Winning Smile
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Standard
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Keywords: Standard Effects.
The adept suffers no penalties due to the target’s inability to understand. Penalties due to the target’s lack of interest still apply.
Step: Rank+CHA
Action: Sustained (special)
Strain: 2Cost: Novice
Keywords: Condition. Impairment. Replacement.
The character acts or otherwise pretends they are someone else. Actors can portray emotions they don’t feel, persuading listeners and watchers the emotions are genuine. Though the Acting skill doesn’t allow a character to physically alter their appearance, the character can mimic speech patterns, copy gestures and movements, and convey energy, attitudes, and mannerisms appropriate to the role. This is a replacement for Deceive for appropriate tests.
The character makes an Acting Action test against the target’s Social Defense. If successful, the target gains 1 level of deceived per success relating to believing the character to be the type of person they are portraying. If the character pretends to be a specific person whom the target knows, the character suffers a -10 penalty on the Action test to convince the target of their authenticity. The adept must maintain this ability, but can perform any other actions while doing so.
When using this skill during a theatrical performance, the character makes an Acting Action test and compares the result against the Social Defense of each member of the audience; for large audiences, the gamemaster may choose to use the average Social Defense of the audience. The number of successes determines how much each audience member enjoys the performance.
This skill can be used as an Artisan skill.
Air Sailor
Collaborate: As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the adept gives an ally the teamwork 2 boon condition until the end of the next round. The player describes how they are assisting their ally. This ability may be used once per round.
Fifth Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test to create a friendly, helpful, teamwork, or similar condition (boon or impairment).
Third Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test to create a condition. This cannot be used if the same (or very similar) condition was the last created by the adept and conditions cannot be created frivolously for the sole purpose of circumventing this restriction.
Glamour: As a Standard action for 2 Strain, the adept creates a clearly illusory scene (this is a figment and no Sensing test is necessary) to delight and entertain onlookers. The adept makes an Illusionism Action test against the highest Social Defense in the crowd. If successful, the adept gains +2 to Action tests against anyone affected for the purpose of creating a friendly, helpful, or similar condition (boon or impairment) until sunrise.
Sky Raider
Ninth Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test with the fear keyword.
Eleventh Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Attack test against an opponent with the frightened condition.
Third Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test to create a condition. The condition must be directed at the adept.
First Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test to conceal something. This can be themselves, an object, the truth (e.g, by creating a deceived condition), etc.
First Circle Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on an Action test to create a condition. This condition cannot be frightened.
Mantle of the Reflecting Pool
Threads: 2
Weaving: 7/12
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Rank+10 minutes
Effect: Grant insight into a target through empathy.
Keywords: Binding. Boon. Condition. Water.
This spell summons a water elemental and temporarily binds it to a willing target. The magician looks into the target’s eyes (or a mirror), touches them comfortingly, and makes a Spellcasting (6) Action test. If successful, the target’s eyes become placid and enticing as strong emotions leave them temporarily.
The bound character gains the mirroring 4 boon condition, allowing them to engage others in conversation and adopt their attitude and mannerisms in a flattering way. The character may make a Conversation Action test with these alternate effects (which replace the standard effects): For every success, they may ask a general question regarding the target’s attitude and feelings. The character may make multiple Conversation Action tests in this way, but for each subsequent test the Difficulty increases by +5. Subsequent tests may gather more specific information, though it must be directly relevant to the conversation (GM’s discretion) and if the character fails a Conversation Action test, the spell ends immediately.
If the bound character expresses any strong opinions or emotions not expressed by the target first, forcefully manipulates the interaction, or pressures the target, the spell immediately ends. If the spell ends prematurely for any reason, the bound character receives the offensive 5 impairment condition until he receives a full night’s rest, and this spell may not be cast again for a full day. This spell may only have one active casting at a time.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Effect (+2 levels)
Threads: 1
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Rank minutes
Effect: Creates a friendly relationship between the magician and target.
Keywords: Condition. Impairment.
This spell inspires a character to trust the magician. The magician smiles and nods at the target, then makes a Spellcasting Action test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the target gains the deceived 3 impairment condition with regard to trusting the magician for the duration. This also inflicts a penalty to Defenses in addition to Action tests if ignored, due to the nagging distractions accompanying the dissonance. When the spell ends, the target becomes aware of the manipulation and their Attitude towards the magician decreases by at least one degree.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Effect (+2 levels), Increase Range (+10 yards)
Bedazzling Display of Logical Analysis
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Self
Duration: Rank minutes
Effect: Gain the cogent 3 boon condition
Keywords: Boon. Condition.
This spell reinforces the integrity of arguments or debates. The magician draws themselves up to their full height and makes a Spellcasting (6) Action test. If successful, they gain the cogent 3 boon condition. This applies to relevant Charisma-based tests involving arguments, conversation, debates, and rhetoric.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Effect (+2 levels)
Thread Items
When a thread item effect previously provided a bonus to Interaction tests, this should be replaced by either a rank to a specific talent or a bonus to creating a particular condition. Such as the frightened condition, or a narrow category like friendly and helpful.
Enrage: An opponent may spend additional successes from an Attack test to give the creature 1 level of the enraged impairment condition until the end of the next round for each success spent. This condition also affects Physical Defense.