This is the twelfth Anatomy of a Thread Item in an ongoing series about Earthdawn. Introduction and Index.
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 35), Nioku's Bow is a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 281). It is the iconic bow from 1E and easily one of the most notable from that edition. In no small part because of how strong the story is behind it and how it can drive events in a fairly dramatic way.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Nioku's Bow
Spell Defense: 24
Legend Point Cost: Master
That Spell Defense is at the very top of the suggested range for the highest tier, Master. That is a serious difficulty to pry anything from this Thread Item. With those two pieces of information, we should be in for a very powerful Thread Item. Since it is of the Master tier, it is also clear that every Thread Rank is from a Legendary Deed, not because it was made that way.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 9
The standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. With a base Damage Step of 4 and Size 5, that works out to be 9. It is worth noting here that this is just under the maximum possible for a bow: an elven warbow will come in at Damage Step 10.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Range increment increased by 25% and +1 to Attack Tests with the bow.
Two standard effects at Rank Two. The indications from the onset are holding true. Though it is easy to give it a break because it wasn't ruthlessly optimized at Rank 1.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 10.
A standard effect, +1 Damage Step, though just one at this Thread Rank.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Damage Step 11 and +1 to Spell Defense
Two standard effects, +1 Damage Step and +1 to a Defense Rating. Despite not following the guidelines to the letter, this is pretty appropriate for a Thread Item of this tier in my mind. You are paying a premium for each Thread Rank, after all.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Range increment increased by 25% and +1 to Spell Defense.
It is worth noting the Defense bonus is pretty ambiguous from that Rank. Typically, the new total will be listed, rather than requiring you to total up the bonuses as you go. Given the Thread Rank and tier of this weapon, it's safe to assume the intention on that is for a total of +2 to Spell Defense. Which means another two standard effects, which doesn't quite follow the guidelines (you aren't supposed to see that until Rank Seven), but seems perfectly fine to me.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Damage Step 12
With just one standard effect, this is arguably not powerful enough for the Rank and certainly falls out of place compared to the previous Ranks. Typically the effects are more powerful as you advance in Thread Rank.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: +2 to Physical and Spell Defense.
Okay, things just got confusing. Does that mean another +2 to Spell Defense, bring it to +4, or +1 to Spell Defense, bringing it to +3, or now it is a total of +2 to Spell Defense, meaning that the previous +1 to Spell Defense that we added was a typo? Looking at the 1E version doesn't help a whole lot (sneak peak: it's a +3 to Spell Defense and +1 to Physical Defense). I can tell you that these bonuses will not be revisited, so it is pretty much a mystery as to what the intention here was.
Knowing that the Deed associated with this Thread Rank is pretty serious stuff, I would suggest treating this as (total) +2 to Physical Defense and +3 to Spell Defense - even if that is a little beyond the 1E version. The odds are decent that this weapon is going to be gone for a long time before the player reaches this Thread Rank, if they ever do.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Damage Step 13
One standard effect. It went from three, down to one. At a tier where you should be getting at two by the guidelines that are regularly surpassed by weapons not nearly this expensive or intensive. Seriously, the requirements for Rank Seven are rough. This is underwhelming.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Damage Step 14 and +2 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist magical effects.
One standard effect and a pretty decent bonus, though by no means too powerful. I would gauge this at two standard effects. Which follows the guidelines perfectly, but feels like it is missing something.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Damage Step 15 and +3 to Attack Tests with the bow.
Back to three standard effects: +1 Damage Step and +2 to Attack Tests. It's solid, but not exciting.
How does it all stack up? Well, it is a bunch of bonuses, but there is nothing particularly interesting here. Especially not for the tier, costs and requirements. For how impressive it looks at the onset, there isn't anything mechanically special about this Thread Item. It's actually rather underwhelming. The sheer number of Thread Ranks is where most of the power comes from in the end, but none of them do anything exciting.
Bringing this into a game will not unbalance anything mechanically and it will certainly tell an interesting story and reveal some fun lore of the world. However, it could be very frustrating to whatever player ends up with it. Rank Seven is rough.
It's an okay template for a Thread Item in that it mostly follows the guidelines, but it doesn't do anything of note. Nearly every single effect is a standard effect; everything here could nearly be replicated by just using the guidelines.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Nioku's Bow (1E)
Spell Defense: 24
Legend Point Cost: (Master)
No differences so far.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 5.
This is a one Step bonus over where a long bow starts. Not terribly impressive, but 3E tended to have higher Damage Steps for Rank One due to the Forging rules.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Range increment increased by 50% and +1 Rank to Missile Weapons.
That is more impressive than the 3E version, with the equivalent of three standard effects. Note that this gives Ranks to the Talent, rather than bonuses to the roll. It's a subtle difference that is unlikely to have any real effect. It would likely have benefited from spacing these out a little - there are a couple of Ranks that look rather sparse higher up. This mostly mirrors the the 3E progression.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 7.
The equivalent of two standard effects, but it is still three Steps behind the more recent version. This continues to roughly follow the 3E progression.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Damage Step 8 and +1 to Spell Defense
Two standard effects, +1 Damage Step and +1 to a Defense Rating. This is identical to the 3E Rank Four effect.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Range increment increased by 100% and +2 to Spell Defense.
The bonus to range here is significantly greater (an equivalent to 4 standard effects all by itself) than in 3E, though the intentions regarding the Spell Defense are much less murky. The progression is still roughly analogous.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Damage Step 10
With two more Damage Steps, while it is giving the same kinds of bonuses, it is outpacing the 3E version. It is still behind overall, however.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: +1 to Physical Defense and +3 Spell Defense.
Again, roughly the same progress, just a little different. Also, what is supposed to happen at this Thread Rank is perfectly clear, unlike the muddle that 3E presents.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Damage Step 12
The same story as in Rank Six.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Damage Step 14 and +2 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist magical effects.
Now this Rank is exactly the same and the two versions both have the same Damage Step.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Damage Step 15 and +3 Ranks to Missile Weapons.
Nearly identical to 3E, though with the different wording on how the bonus is given (as a bonus, or additional Ranks).
How do they stack up? They are very similar, though the 1E version is more powerful in range, at the very least. Given that Thread Items in 1E tended to have lower damage overall, 1E also outpaces it there. On the whole, the 1E version of this Thread Item was giving out at least two standard effects at every Rank. That is probably more appropriate for an item like this.
All of that being said, beyond the associated story, it still isn't very interesting and is pretty much a collection of bonuses. I generally like big Thread Items like this to do something unique (particularly with such an interesting backstory), while saving the sack of bonuses for ancillary items that will not be quite the focus of the action.
29 October 2013
25 October 2013
Earthdawn: Anatomy of a Thread Item 11 - Kegel's Sword
This is the eleventh Anatomy of a Thread Item in an ongoing series about Earthdawn. Introduction and Index.
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 31), Kegel's Sword is a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 279). Often a popular example to draw inspiration from, Kegel's Sword has a number of varied effects with an elemental theme. While not the most "famous" weapon from 1E, it is notable for all of the different things that it can do.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Kegel's Sword
Spell Defense: 17
Legend Point Cost: Warden
The Spell Defense is at the middle of the suggested range for Warden tier Thread Items. It is on the low end with five Thread Ranks (though it used to have more, see below). The low number of ranks, if the guidelines were being followed, would indicate that this is lower on the power scale than most Thread Items of this tier, since the bigger effects don't start until Rank Five and really get going at Rank Seven. By the guidelines.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 8
The standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. With a base Damage Step of 5 and Size 3, that works out to be 8.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 9, for 1 Strain can illuminate as a torch for 1 hour.
A standard effect, +1 damage, and a largely inconsequential power. It's neat and for the Warden prices, perfectly acceptable.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: +1 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Knockdown Test within an hour.
Another standard effect, +1 to a Defense, along with a useful ability. There aren't any guidelines on when you can spend that Strain - which means that this could be a Free Action immediately prior to the Knockdown Test. That seems a little counter intuitive with the time frame listed, but still. If you don't have Wound Balance, that could very well be worth the Strain. Even if you do have Wound Balance - getting knocked down is pretty terrible and costs a Strain to stand up and take an action (along with all of the things that can happen to you while you are down there).
This is a relatively potent effect, particularly for the Rank, and if you can use it as a Free Action, it's even more powerful.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 Physical Armor against the next attack within an hour.
One more standard effect, +1 to a Defense, along with a very good ability. This, again, is pretty vague on how it functions. Does the attack have to actually hit, does the armor have to be relevant, when can you spend the Strain? Any GM using this Thread Item is going to have to figure those out.
Depending on the answers, it's almost certainly worth using this constantly. The only time that isn't the case is if it is "used up" as soon as you are attacked, regardless if you were hit or not. Even then, against more dangerous opponents this is very useful. Except for those pesky Armor-Defeating Hits. But then you probably have other things to worry about than that 1 Strain - unless 1 Strain is what is between you and Unconsciousness.
Another effect that is powerful, though this one is potentially very powerful based on how it is being run. Without the Defense increase, this would probably be an appropriate effect (again, depending on how you interpret it).
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 10, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Damage Test within an hour.
The final Thread Rank has a standard effect, +1 Damage Step, and a awesome power. The wording on this one only leaves timing up in the air (when do you have to spend the Strain?), but also requires the target to be affected by cold. Which is a very small restriction.
As for the relative power of the Thread Rank, it's high. This is when more powerful effects start to show up, but +6 to damage for 1 Strain is a good trade by any estimation. The "typical" effect with a damage boost for Strain is Step 4 (Flameweapon), so this is beyond that. Along with a boost to damage at the same Thread Rank.
How does it all stack up? Kegel's Sword has some neat effects that are worth looking at for some inspiration for your own Thread Items, but I wouldn't suggest using it as a guide for relative power. It is a fairly potent Thread Item with varied effects. The lack of clear guidance in how the effects are worded is also tricky, since the GM and player may have different interpretations on how these effects are supposed to work.
For introducing into a game, it's powerful, but not likely to grossly unbalance a game. The lack of higher Thread Ranks means that it doesn't have a lot of big numbers to throw around and players will have to add to it with Legendary Ranks.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Kegel's Sword (1E)
Spell Defense: 13
Legend Point Cost: (Journeyman)
The biggest change is the fact in 1E it has six Thread Ranks. 3E also increased it's costs, which is almost certainly a good thing, and the Spell Defense increased accordingly.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 7.
This is pretty good for a broadsword in 1E, though slightly less than you would see in 3E. The advantage for 1E is, of course, how Forge Weapon works.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 8, for 1 Strain can illuminate as a torch for 1 hour.
Effectively identical to 3E, +1 Damage Step and an ability.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: +1 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Knockdown Test within an hour.
Again, nothing different here: +1 Damage Step and the same ability.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain reduce damage from an attack of wielder's choice by 6 within an hour.
Superficially this seems the same, but it isn't. The 1E effect is more potent. First, it allows you to choose when to use it, which removes any question about if it goes off when it wouldn't be useful. Even then, it reduces damage, not improves armor. This means it will still work against Armor-Defeating Hits (though the ability to choose already works for that), work against damage that affects Mystic Armor, and doesn't have to be used if your normal armor would protect against it.
This basically means that you will be reducing damage you take by up to 5 from here on out.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 9, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Damage Test within an hour
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Spell Defense.
Because everything else wasn't quite enough. The bonus itself isn't necessarily too much for the Thread Rank, it's just when put up against everything else this Thread Item has to offer and how cheap it is to improve (very), it is quite the attractive little package.
How do they stack up? They are very similar, though the 1E version is more powerful in three key areas: the wording on the Rank Four effect, the existence of Rank Six and the cost. This is a very powerful Thread Item in 1E,
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 31), Kegel's Sword is a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 279). Often a popular example to draw inspiration from, Kegel's Sword has a number of varied effects with an elemental theme. While not the most "famous" weapon from 1E, it is notable for all of the different things that it can do.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Kegel's Sword
Spell Defense: 17
Legend Point Cost: Warden
The Spell Defense is at the middle of the suggested range for Warden tier Thread Items. It is on the low end with five Thread Ranks (though it used to have more, see below). The low number of ranks, if the guidelines were being followed, would indicate that this is lower on the power scale than most Thread Items of this tier, since the bigger effects don't start until Rank Five and really get going at Rank Seven. By the guidelines.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 8
The standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. With a base Damage Step of 5 and Size 3, that works out to be 8.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 9, for 1 Strain can illuminate as a torch for 1 hour.
A standard effect, +1 damage, and a largely inconsequential power. It's neat and for the Warden prices, perfectly acceptable.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: +1 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Knockdown Test within an hour.
Another standard effect, +1 to a Defense, along with a useful ability. There aren't any guidelines on when you can spend that Strain - which means that this could be a Free Action immediately prior to the Knockdown Test. That seems a little counter intuitive with the time frame listed, but still. If you don't have Wound Balance, that could very well be worth the Strain. Even if you do have Wound Balance - getting knocked down is pretty terrible and costs a Strain to stand up and take an action (along with all of the things that can happen to you while you are down there).
This is a relatively potent effect, particularly for the Rank, and if you can use it as a Free Action, it's even more powerful.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 Physical Armor against the next attack within an hour.
One more standard effect, +1 to a Defense, along with a very good ability. This, again, is pretty vague on how it functions. Does the attack have to actually hit, does the armor have to be relevant, when can you spend the Strain? Any GM using this Thread Item is going to have to figure those out.
Depending on the answers, it's almost certainly worth using this constantly. The only time that isn't the case is if it is "used up" as soon as you are attacked, regardless if you were hit or not. Even then, against more dangerous opponents this is very useful. Except for those pesky Armor-Defeating Hits. But then you probably have other things to worry about than that 1 Strain - unless 1 Strain is what is between you and Unconsciousness.
Another effect that is powerful, though this one is potentially very powerful based on how it is being run. Without the Defense increase, this would probably be an appropriate effect (again, depending on how you interpret it).
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 10, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Damage Test within an hour.
The final Thread Rank has a standard effect, +1 Damage Step, and a awesome power. The wording on this one only leaves timing up in the air (when do you have to spend the Strain?), but also requires the target to be affected by cold. Which is a very small restriction.
As for the relative power of the Thread Rank, it's high. This is when more powerful effects start to show up, but +6 to damage for 1 Strain is a good trade by any estimation. The "typical" effect with a damage boost for Strain is Step 4 (Flameweapon), so this is beyond that. Along with a boost to damage at the same Thread Rank.
How does it all stack up? Kegel's Sword has some neat effects that are worth looking at for some inspiration for your own Thread Items, but I wouldn't suggest using it as a guide for relative power. It is a fairly potent Thread Item with varied effects. The lack of clear guidance in how the effects are worded is also tricky, since the GM and player may have different interpretations on how these effects are supposed to work.
For introducing into a game, it's powerful, but not likely to grossly unbalance a game. The lack of higher Thread Ranks means that it doesn't have a lot of big numbers to throw around and players will have to add to it with Legendary Ranks.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Kegel's Sword (1E)
Spell Defense: 13
Legend Point Cost: (Journeyman)
The biggest change is the fact in 1E it has six Thread Ranks. 3E also increased it's costs, which is almost certainly a good thing, and the Spell Defense increased accordingly.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 7.
This is pretty good for a broadsword in 1E, though slightly less than you would see in 3E. The advantage for 1E is, of course, how Forge Weapon works.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 8, for 1 Strain can illuminate as a torch for 1 hour.
Effectively identical to 3E, +1 Damage Step and an ability.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: +1 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Knockdown Test within an hour.
Again, nothing different here: +1 Damage Step and the same ability.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 Physical Defense, for 1 Strain reduce damage from an attack of wielder's choice by 6 within an hour.
Superficially this seems the same, but it isn't. The 1E effect is more potent. First, it allows you to choose when to use it, which removes any question about if it goes off when it wouldn't be useful. Even then, it reduces damage, not improves armor. This means it will still work against Armor-Defeating Hits (though the ability to choose already works for that), work against damage that affects Mystic Armor, and doesn't have to be used if your normal armor would protect against it.
This basically means that you will be reducing damage you take by up to 5 from here on out.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 9, for 1 Strain gain +6 to your next Damage Test within an hour
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Spell Defense.
Because everything else wasn't quite enough. The bonus itself isn't necessarily too much for the Thread Rank, it's just when put up against everything else this Thread Item has to offer and how cheap it is to improve (very), it is quite the attractive little package.
How do they stack up? They are very similar, though the 1E version is more powerful in three key areas: the wording on the Rank Four effect, the existence of Rank Six and the cost. This is a very powerful Thread Item in 1E,
22 October 2013
Earthdawn: Anatomy of a Thread Item 10 - Devastator Spear
This is the tenth Anatomy of a Thread Item in an ongoing series about Earthdawn. Introduction and Index.
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 29), Devastator Spear was a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 278). If you're wondering why all of the items thus far can be found in same two books and think that may have something to do with both them being within flailing distance... I would say that there is a bunch of books within that distance; those two just happen to be right in front of me still.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Devastator Spear
Spell Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman
The Spell Defense is at the bottom of the suggested range for Journeyman tier Thread Items. With seven Thread Ranks, this is just beyond the normal maximum, but not a serious concern. Typically, that would be explained with Legendary Thread Ranks (those gained after the item has been constructed), but the Key Knowledge for Rank 7 strongly indicates that isn't the case.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 7
The standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. With a base Damage Step of 4 and Size 3, that works out to be 7..
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Throw a number of spears up to the Thread Rank at 1 Strain per spear. Spears can target against one or different characters. Attack is resolved with a single Throwing Weapons Test against the highest Physical Defense among the targets.
This is by far the most powerful effect on this Thread Item. Multiple attacks is always amazing and typically not available until Journeyman (skills and Air Dance aside). Considerably more powerful than the Rank Two effect on a Journeyman tier Thread Item has any right to be and the Strain cost is absolutely negligible. When fully improved, that is seven attacks. The only saving grace is that the damage is lackluster.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 8
A standard effect available at any Rank.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 to Throwing Weapons with the spear.
This is better than a standard effect (which would be +1 to Throwing Weapons). However, the limitation to only this weapon keeps it acceptable.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 9.
Another standard effect available at every Rank..
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Physical Defense with the spear.
This falls into a very similar category as the Rank Four effect, though the benefit is more generic (who doesn't like more Physical Defense?). However, with the higher Thread Rank, that's just fine.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Damage Step 10, +4 to Throwing Weapons with the spear.
Since two standard effects while using the spear has been established as roughly equivalent to a single standard effect just from having the Thread (which isn't necessarily true, but we will go with it for now), this effect is on par for a Rank Seven effect..
How does it all stack up? It follows the guidelines pretty well and isn't actually a horribly powerful weapon for the Journeyman tier. Even the Rank Two effect isn't going to be that big of a deal because of the relatively low damage output in the long run - though that many attacks that early isn't good design, even if it is the defining effect for the Thread Item.
Really, what Devastator Spear is most in need of is a slight rearrangement of effects (such as a bonus to Throwing Weapons before the effect that deals with throwing the weapon) which could easily bring it in line with expectations. Which is to say that Rank Five is a little sad and Rank Two would look a lot better there.
For introducing into a game, it is unlikely to cause any particular issues simply because the damage isn't particularly high (elven warbow has the same Damage Step when fully forged as where Devastator Spear ends at Thread Rank Seven) and there isn't any way to increase the damage of thrown weapons.
As a template, it's not a great selection, but you can certainly do a lot worse. The liberties taken with bonuses that only apply when using the weapon are restrictive, but not really that restrictive since it is assumed you are going to be using that weapon you have attached those Threads to anyway.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Devastator Spear (1E)
Spell Defense: 8
Legend Point Cost: (Novice)
So that is a big change. The Spell Defense is very low and the cost structure has starting point one tier lower.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 4, throw a number of spears up to the Thread Rank at 1 Strain per spear. Spears can target against one or different characters. Attack is resolved with a single Throwing Weapons Test against the highest Physical Defense among the targets.
That is a lot at Rank One, though the damage has not actually been improved from the spear default.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 5
A standard effect.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 6
Another standard effect.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +1 to Throwing Weapons.
A new standard effect, but note that it is only +1 and it doesn't only apply to the spear.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 7.
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Physical Defense.
Two standard effects is good, though doable at this Rank. Again, this does not have any restrictions to the bonus.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Damage Step 8, +2 to Throwing Weapons
Another two standard effects, though complete acceptable at this Rank..
How do they stack up? They are very similar, though 3E has higher damage in general that 1E. The new Devastator Spear has two more Damage Steps and a +4 total to Throwing Weapons (though it is restricted to just the spear). The multiple spears effect was pushed back a Rank to make room for the standard Rank One weapon bonus (fully forged). In all, it was made more powerful, but the tier was increased accordingly. For 1E, this is underpriced for what it can do (the nature of forging in 1E also made damage boosts easier to come across).
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 29), Devastator Spear was a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 278). If you're wondering why all of the items thus far can be found in same two books and think that may have something to do with both them being within flailing distance... I would say that there is a bunch of books within that distance; those two just happen to be right in front of me still.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Devastator Spear
Spell Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman
The Spell Defense is at the bottom of the suggested range for Journeyman tier Thread Items. With seven Thread Ranks, this is just beyond the normal maximum, but not a serious concern. Typically, that would be explained with Legendary Thread Ranks (those gained after the item has been constructed), but the Key Knowledge for Rank 7 strongly indicates that isn't the case.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 7
The standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. With a base Damage Step of 4 and Size 3, that works out to be 7..
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Throw a number of spears up to the Thread Rank at 1 Strain per spear. Spears can target against one or different characters. Attack is resolved with a single Throwing Weapons Test against the highest Physical Defense among the targets.
This is by far the most powerful effect on this Thread Item. Multiple attacks is always amazing and typically not available until Journeyman (skills and Air Dance aside). Considerably more powerful than the Rank Two effect on a Journeyman tier Thread Item has any right to be and the Strain cost is absolutely negligible. When fully improved, that is seven attacks. The only saving grace is that the damage is lackluster.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 8
A standard effect available at any Rank.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +2 to Throwing Weapons with the spear.
This is better than a standard effect (which would be +1 to Throwing Weapons). However, the limitation to only this weapon keeps it acceptable.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 9.
Another standard effect available at every Rank..
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Physical Defense with the spear.
This falls into a very similar category as the Rank Four effect, though the benefit is more generic (who doesn't like more Physical Defense?). However, with the higher Thread Rank, that's just fine.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Damage Step 10, +4 to Throwing Weapons with the spear.
Since two standard effects while using the spear has been established as roughly equivalent to a single standard effect just from having the Thread (which isn't necessarily true, but we will go with it for now), this effect is on par for a Rank Seven effect..
How does it all stack up? It follows the guidelines pretty well and isn't actually a horribly powerful weapon for the Journeyman tier. Even the Rank Two effect isn't going to be that big of a deal because of the relatively low damage output in the long run - though that many attacks that early isn't good design, even if it is the defining effect for the Thread Item.
Really, what Devastator Spear is most in need of is a slight rearrangement of effects (such as a bonus to Throwing Weapons before the effect that deals with throwing the weapon) which could easily bring it in line with expectations. Which is to say that Rank Five is a little sad and Rank Two would look a lot better there.
For introducing into a game, it is unlikely to cause any particular issues simply because the damage isn't particularly high (elven warbow has the same Damage Step when fully forged as where Devastator Spear ends at Thread Rank Seven) and there isn't any way to increase the damage of thrown weapons.
As a template, it's not a great selection, but you can certainly do a lot worse. The liberties taken with bonuses that only apply when using the weapon are restrictive, but not really that restrictive since it is assumed you are going to be using that weapon you have attached those Threads to anyway.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Devastator Spear (1E)
Spell Defense: 8
Legend Point Cost: (Novice)
So that is a big change. The Spell Defense is very low and the cost structure has starting point one tier lower.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 4, throw a number of spears up to the Thread Rank at 1 Strain per spear. Spears can target against one or different characters. Attack is resolved with a single Throwing Weapons Test against the highest Physical Defense among the targets.
That is a lot at Rank One, though the damage has not actually been improved from the spear default.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 5
A standard effect.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Damage Step 6
Another standard effect.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: +1 to Throwing Weapons.
A new standard effect, but note that it is only +1 and it doesn't only apply to the spear.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: Damage Step 7.
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: +2 Physical Defense.
Two standard effects is good, though doable at this Rank. Again, this does not have any restrictions to the bonus.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Damage Step 8, +2 to Throwing Weapons
Another two standard effects, though complete acceptable at this Rank..
How do they stack up? They are very similar, though 3E has higher damage in general that 1E. The new Devastator Spear has two more Damage Steps and a +4 total to Throwing Weapons (though it is restricted to just the spear). The multiple spears effect was pushed back a Rank to make room for the standard Rank One weapon bonus (fully forged). In all, it was made more powerful, but the tier was increased accordingly. For 1E, this is underpriced for what it can do (the nature of forging in 1E also made damage boosts easier to come across).
19 October 2013
Earthdawn: Anatomy of a Thread Item 09 - Venna's Armor
This is the ninth Anatomy of a Thread Item in an ongoing series about Earthdawn. Introduction and Index.
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 44), Venna's Armor was a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 283). The only actual suit of armor (though the Silvered Shield and War Helm of Landis both give Physical Armor, if you want to be really technical about it) when it first came out, that makes this the iconic armor for the setting. Also, really, really powerful. Exactly how powerful - continue reading.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Venna's Armor
Spell Defense: 18
Legend Point Cost: Warden
The Spell Defense sits right in the middle of the suggested range for Warden tier Thread Items. Since it is at that tier, it's fair to assume that there should be some solid effects starting at the Rank Five to Seven range. With 10 Thread Ranks, it is safe to say that this a Legendary Item and is going to get pretty powerful. By which I mean, potentially game-deforming powerful.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Physical Armor 14
This is the standard Rank One benefit for armor: effectively fully forged. With a base Physical Armor of 9, plate goes to 14 with a -4 Initiative Penalty.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Initiative Penalty -2
A standard effect available to armor at all Ranks, reducing the Initiative Penalty by 1. Wait, I mean by 2. That's awfully early to be bringing out a (hypothetically) Rank Seven effect. I mean, we just got here, where is the chase? There was already a huge pile of Physical Armor up there, now a great reduction in the penalties of wearing it? At least there won't be a lot of Mystic Armor so this has some weakness, right?
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Mystic Armor 3
Keep in mind, this started with 0 Mystic Armor. That is a huge jump - beyond what you are supposed to see even at Rank Seven. There are possibly some good reasons for this (see the analysis of the 1E version), but still - this isn't a fluff thing that is improved just for fun, but is unlikely to see any real impact on the game.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Mystic Armor 5; for 2 Permanent Damage, the Result Level to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wearer is increased by one level.
Here things go from "That's an amazing bonus!" to "This character will never, ever fear anything ever again". Mystic Armor just got a +2 bonus, which is still huge, but a little sad when compared to that +3 bonus at Rank Three. Then you get beyond the first sentence.
Anyone who has played Earthdawn is well aware of the "paper armor" issues that exist because of Armor-Defeating Hits. Every character that relies on armor for protection utterly fears them, and with good reason: your armor just became meaningless. Being able to require an additional success level just reduced the odds of that happening by roughly an order of magnitude. Yes, that is worth 2 Permanent Damage and probably a capstone ability to some awesome protective device.
But wait, it's Rank Four here and there was already a +2 to Mystic Armor...
Thread Rank Five
Effect: For 2 Permanent Damage, store Karma equal to the Thread Rank.
To be fair, this isn't as amazing as the three previous Thread Ranks. However, it is better than the Bands of Fortune (which cost Strain to do this) and that is pretty much their thing. Without a doubt, this is a solid ability that will see a lot of use since Karma is now free. In all, this is good for the Thread Rank, but not unexpected.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Physical Armor 15 and Mystic Armor 6.
Finding the Rank Seven effect (two standard effects) here seems absolutely tame. Again, this is a lot of armor without a lot of investment thus far.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: No Initiative Penalty
Another Rank Seven effect, but this Thread Item now has no drawbacks at all with great Physical Armor, very good Mystic Armor, nigh invulnerability to Armor-Defeating Hits and a Karma battery.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Spend an additional Karma on Tests
This effect can be found on the Bands of Fortune as well (it is Rank Two there), but again, all they can do. That being said, this really is a natural progression from Rank Five. Still, very, very good.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Physical Armor 16, Mystic Armor 8, +1 to Physical and Spell Defense
Glad to see that Rank Nine has a total of five (!) standard effects. +1 Physical Armor, +2 Mystic Armor, and +1 to each of the most commonly used Defenses. This is pretty obscene.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Spend all stored Karma on a single Test at a cost of 1 Strain per Karma.
To be honest, the Strain cost here is almost laughable. That effect is very, very good and I would gladly pay 10 Strain to use it. By the time you get it, 10 Strain might be a couple of rounds. It's not likely to be used terribly often, but when it gets brought out (if at the right time), it can change the course of an encounter, or just end it decisively considerably earlier than was intended. As to when is the right time? Well, in combat right after you score an Armor-Defeating Hit is a great time to dump 10 Karma into your damage.
There could be arguments about whether or not you have to be able to spend Karma on the Test normally (the RAW isn't necessarily going to be a lot of help here). I'm of the opinion that you should have to be able to spend Karma on it in the first place, just because it's already powerful enough.
How does it all stack up? Given the running commentary, there should be little surprise that this Thread Item is crazy, over-the-top powerful. There isn't a whole lot more to say on that. It regularly gets amazing effects. The absolute weakest would be described as "very good" anywhere else - even a defining effect. From beginning to end, this is incredibly powerful.
Be incredibly careful if you introduce this Thread Item into your game. It has the strong potential to begin deforming the game around whatever character ends up with it. That isn't to say it will absolutely do this, just that whoever is lucky enough to land this is going to have a leg up on pretty much everything out there.
Do not use this as a template for your own Thread Items. Unless you want a game that is over-the-top, in which case this is entirely appropriate.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Venna's Armor (1E)
Spell Defense: 18
Legend Point Cost: (Warden)
Everything is the same so far, though 1E didn't have explicit tiers, it did have a cost structure that was exactly the same, though spelled out at every Thread Rank.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Physical Armor 9, Mystic Armor 3, Initiative Penalty -3
While 1E doesn't have a suggested menu of effects, this is very good with a +3 Mystic Armor and Initiative Penalty reduction of 1. It also sheds light on what the early Mystic Armor increase was attempting to emulate.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Initiative Penalty -2
At this Thread Rank, the two versions have parity with the Initiative Penalty. Which means the 3E version was more aggressive with reducing it and still has a significantly higher Physical Armor.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Initiative Penalty -1
Another good, but not notable bonus. While 1E has pulled ahead in Initiative, 3E just caught up with the Mystic Armor. Also, a lot more Physical Armor.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Mystic Armor 5; for 2 Permanent Damage, the Result Level to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wearer is increased by one level.
Exactly the same Rank Four between the editions.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: For 2 Permanent Damage, store Karma equal to the Thread Rank.
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Physical Armor 10 and Mystic Armor 6.
Very similar, though the 1E version still has 5 less Physical Armor than the 3E version.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Physical Armor 11, no Initiative Penalty
The effects on this are pretty much the same: each Rank got two benefits. This one ends up a wash.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Spend an additional Karma on Tests
The same effect for both.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Physical Armor 12, Mystic Armor 9, +1 to Physical and Spell Defense
Whoa! That is another +1 to Physical Armor, along with +3 to Mystic Armor and increases to the Defenses. Similar to the 3E version, though it is sporting six, rather than five, effects.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Spend all stored Karma on a single Test at a cost of 1 Strain per Karma.
Another example of the same effect. However, in 1E Karma wasn't free and your access depended on your race.
How do they stack up? Honestly, they are pretty similar and both are very powerful. In the end, the 3E version is just a little more insane since it edges out with 4 more Physical Armor and 1 less Mystic Armor. Incredibly powerful in both editions.
Found in the Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 44), Venna's Armor was a Thread Item first introduced in the original Earthdawn book (pg. 283). The only actual suit of armor (though the Silvered Shield and War Helm of Landis both give Physical Armor, if you want to be really technical about it) when it first came out, that makes this the iconic armor for the setting. Also, really, really powerful. Exactly how powerful - continue reading.
There will be an analysis of how the 3E Thread Item stacks up to the proposed guidelines (pg. 46 of the Gamemaster's Companion) and what it looked like in its original release.
Venna's Armor
Spell Defense: 18
Legend Point Cost: Warden
The Spell Defense sits right in the middle of the suggested range for Warden tier Thread Items. Since it is at that tier, it's fair to assume that there should be some solid effects starting at the Rank Five to Seven range. With 10 Thread Ranks, it is safe to say that this a Legendary Item and is going to get pretty powerful. By which I mean, potentially game-deforming powerful.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Physical Armor 14
This is the standard Rank One benefit for armor: effectively fully forged. With a base Physical Armor of 9, plate goes to 14 with a -4 Initiative Penalty.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Initiative Penalty -2
A standard effect available to armor at all Ranks, reducing the Initiative Penalty by 1. Wait, I mean by 2. That's awfully early to be bringing out a (hypothetically) Rank Seven effect. I mean, we just got here, where is the chase? There was already a huge pile of Physical Armor up there, now a great reduction in the penalties of wearing it? At least there won't be a lot of Mystic Armor so this has some weakness, right?
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Mystic Armor 3
Keep in mind, this started with 0 Mystic Armor. That is a huge jump - beyond what you are supposed to see even at Rank Seven. There are possibly some good reasons for this (see the analysis of the 1E version), but still - this isn't a fluff thing that is improved just for fun, but is unlikely to see any real impact on the game.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Mystic Armor 5; for 2 Permanent Damage, the Result Level to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wearer is increased by one level.
Here things go from "That's an amazing bonus!" to "This character will never, ever fear anything ever again". Mystic Armor just got a +2 bonus, which is still huge, but a little sad when compared to that +3 bonus at Rank Three. Then you get beyond the first sentence.
Anyone who has played Earthdawn is well aware of the "paper armor" issues that exist because of Armor-Defeating Hits. Every character that relies on armor for protection utterly fears them, and with good reason: your armor just became meaningless. Being able to require an additional success level just reduced the odds of that happening by roughly an order of magnitude. Yes, that is worth 2 Permanent Damage and probably a capstone ability to some awesome protective device.
But wait, it's Rank Four here and there was already a +2 to Mystic Armor...
Thread Rank Five
Effect: For 2 Permanent Damage, store Karma equal to the Thread Rank.
To be fair, this isn't as amazing as the three previous Thread Ranks. However, it is better than the Bands of Fortune (which cost Strain to do this) and that is pretty much their thing. Without a doubt, this is a solid ability that will see a lot of use since Karma is now free. In all, this is good for the Thread Rank, but not unexpected.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Physical Armor 15 and Mystic Armor 6.
Finding the Rank Seven effect (two standard effects) here seems absolutely tame. Again, this is a lot of armor without a lot of investment thus far.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: No Initiative Penalty
Another Rank Seven effect, but this Thread Item now has no drawbacks at all with great Physical Armor, very good Mystic Armor, nigh invulnerability to Armor-Defeating Hits and a Karma battery.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Spend an additional Karma on Tests
This effect can be found on the Bands of Fortune as well (it is Rank Two there), but again, all they can do. That being said, this really is a natural progression from Rank Five. Still, very, very good.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Physical Armor 16, Mystic Armor 8, +1 to Physical and Spell Defense
Glad to see that Rank Nine has a total of five (!) standard effects. +1 Physical Armor, +2 Mystic Armor, and +1 to each of the most commonly used Defenses. This is pretty obscene.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Spend all stored Karma on a single Test at a cost of 1 Strain per Karma.
To be honest, the Strain cost here is almost laughable. That effect is very, very good and I would gladly pay 10 Strain to use it. By the time you get it, 10 Strain might be a couple of rounds. It's not likely to be used terribly often, but when it gets brought out (if at the right time), it can change the course of an encounter, or just end it decisively considerably earlier than was intended. As to when is the right time? Well, in combat right after you score an Armor-Defeating Hit is a great time to dump 10 Karma into your damage.
There could be arguments about whether or not you have to be able to spend Karma on the Test normally (the RAW isn't necessarily going to be a lot of help here). I'm of the opinion that you should have to be able to spend Karma on it in the first place, just because it's already powerful enough.
How does it all stack up? Given the running commentary, there should be little surprise that this Thread Item is crazy, over-the-top powerful. There isn't a whole lot more to say on that. It regularly gets amazing effects. The absolute weakest would be described as "very good" anywhere else - even a defining effect. From beginning to end, this is incredibly powerful.
Be incredibly careful if you introduce this Thread Item into your game. It has the strong potential to begin deforming the game around whatever character ends up with it. That isn't to say it will absolutely do this, just that whoever is lucky enough to land this is going to have a leg up on pretty much everything out there.
Do not use this as a template for your own Thread Items. Unless you want a game that is over-the-top, in which case this is entirely appropriate.
How does the 3E version compare to the 1E version? Let's find out:
Venna's Armor (1E)
Spell Defense: 18
Legend Point Cost: (Warden)
Everything is the same so far, though 1E didn't have explicit tiers, it did have a cost structure that was exactly the same, though spelled out at every Thread Rank.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Physical Armor 9, Mystic Armor 3, Initiative Penalty -3
While 1E doesn't have a suggested menu of effects, this is very good with a +3 Mystic Armor and Initiative Penalty reduction of 1. It also sheds light on what the early Mystic Armor increase was attempting to emulate.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Initiative Penalty -2
At this Thread Rank, the two versions have parity with the Initiative Penalty. Which means the 3E version was more aggressive with reducing it and still has a significantly higher Physical Armor.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: Initiative Penalty -1
Another good, but not notable bonus. While 1E has pulled ahead in Initiative, 3E just caught up with the Mystic Armor. Also, a lot more Physical Armor.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Mystic Armor 5; for 2 Permanent Damage, the Result Level to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wearer is increased by one level.
Exactly the same Rank Four between the editions.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: For 2 Permanent Damage, store Karma equal to the Thread Rank.
This remains unchanged as well.
Thread Rank Six
Effect: Physical Armor 10 and Mystic Armor 6.
Very similar, though the 1E version still has 5 less Physical Armor than the 3E version.
Thread Rank Seven
Effect: Physical Armor 11, no Initiative Penalty
The effects on this are pretty much the same: each Rank got two benefits. This one ends up a wash.
Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Spend an additional Karma on Tests
The same effect for both.
Thread Rank Nine
Effect: Physical Armor 12, Mystic Armor 9, +1 to Physical and Spell Defense
Whoa! That is another +1 to Physical Armor, along with +3 to Mystic Armor and increases to the Defenses. Similar to the 3E version, though it is sporting six, rather than five, effects.
Thread Rank Ten
Effect: Spend all stored Karma on a single Test at a cost of 1 Strain per Karma.
Another example of the same effect. However, in 1E Karma wasn't free and your access depended on your race.
How do they stack up? Honestly, they are pretty similar and both are very powerful. In the end, the 3E version is just a little more insane since it edges out with 4 more Physical Armor and 1 less Mystic Armor. Incredibly powerful in both editions.
15 October 2013
Earthdawn: Anatomy of a Thread Item 08 - Lorm's Axe

This post, and more in the future like it, will look at the mechanics of a published Thread Item and see how they work together. In addition, they will be compared to the guidelines for Thread Item creation presented in the 3E Gamemaster's Companion (pg. 46) to see how they measure up, and possibly some comparable Thread Items that have already under gone this treatment.
Here is one of the quintessential Thread Items in Earthdawn, Lorm's Axe. It was made famous in the prologue fiction, Inheritance, that has graced the beginning of every Earthdawn Player's Guide in 20 years.
Lorm's Axe
Spell Defense: 7
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman
Right off, that Spell Defense is remarkably low, roughly half the minimum recommendation. A typical Journeyman Thread Item will have up to six Ranks, though Legendary items can go beyond that, and this is a Legendary Item. However, with five Ranks, it is sitting good there.
Thread Rank One
Effect: Damage Step 12
This is the standard Rank One benefit for a weapon: effectively fully forged. A battle-axe (Damage Step 7, Size 5) will be right there.
Thread Rank Two
Effect: Damage Step 13
A standard effect available to weapons at all Ranks, +1 to Damage Step.
Thread Rank Three
Effect: +1 Physical Defense
A standard effect available to any item at all Ranks, +1 to a Defense.
Thread Rank Four
Effect: Damage Step 14, +1 Spell Defense
Here things break from the guidelines. This bonus, two effects available at all Ranks (+1 Damage Step and +1 Defense), is hypothetically available from Rank Seven up, which tends to put it in Warden and Master territory. When designing my own Thread Items, it isn't uncommon to see that level of bonus appear at Rank 5, but the item is at least Warden tier.
Thread Rank Five
Effect: +2 Physical Defense, +2 Spell Defense.
Another bonus hypothetically available starting at Rank Seven.
How does it all stack up? Well, this Thread Item is certainly above the curve from what is presented in the guidelines, though not grossly so. Rank Five tends to note a gradual increase in power, but those are some solid bonuses for little investment. All of the effects are standard bonuses, so there is nothing particularly interesting going on. However, the effects are also solid and a welcome addition to any character that mixes it up in melee combat - damage and defense are always welcome additions, particularly to Spell Defense that can be a weakness to many front line adepts.
Tragically, the battle-axe is a sub par choice for those looking to use a two-handed weapon. Compare the Rank One Effect of the battle-axe (Damage Step 12) to that of a pole-axe (Damage Step 14), or even a troll-sized pole-axe (Damage Step 16). A fine argument can be made that the two extra bonuses from Rank Four and Five make up for that slight disadvantage.
In all, this is a fine weapon to include in any game, but doesn't necessarily make a good reference template for building your own Thread Items. Unless you are looking to increase the overall power level of your game.
11 October 2013
Earthdawn: Part 27 - Thread Item List
This is the twenty-seventh part in an ongoing series about Earthdawn. Introduction and Index.
Below is a list of every Thread Item in Earthdawn 3E, along with a citation and very brief description of what it is about. The organization to this list may eventually change, so if you have any suggestions to improve functionality, leave a comment. As well, there will be analysis of the Thread Items on this list, so if there is something in particular you would like to see broken down, let me know. My hope is to eventually include any Thread Items from previous editions that have not yet been included in 3E and update their Thread Ranks. Finally, I'm toying with the idea of including fan material (including my own, in addition to anyone else that wants to contribute), but I'm currently limiting this to only official material. Please let me know what your thoughts are on this, as it is entirely for the readers.
Amulet of Agamon (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 27) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Mystic Armor, increases Spell Defense, Spell Matrix, increases Steel Thought.
Amulet of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 41) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, Spell Matrix, increases Elemental Tongues, summon elemental spirit.
Amulet of Dirac (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 101) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, acts as a Healing Potion, acts as a Desperate Blow charm, acts as a Death Cheat charm.
Armor of Elemental Water (Serpent River, pg. 110) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, floats, protects against Armor-Defeating Hits, increases Initiative, Aid Summoner power.
Bands of Fortune (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 27) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Contains Karma, increasing bonus to Karma spent from item, ability to spend massive Karma, transfer Karma between Bands.
Beacon (Crystal Raiders, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 5: A ship-portable weapon.
Blade of Alemvor, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 38) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Divine Aura spell, Spell Matrix, increases Spellcasting and Wizardry, increases Ethereal Weapon.
Blade Wig (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 122) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Social Defense, unarmed Attack Tests, entangling, increases Damage Step, additional attack.
Boodsong (Throal, pg. 135) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Access other's memories, increases Damage Step, increases Perception-only Tests,
Bloodwall (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 28) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Defense, increases Deflection Bonus, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Astral Sight.
Bondforger (Throal, pg. 133) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Bond characters to wielder's cause, increases Charisma-only Tests, increases Tactics.
Bracers of Aras (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical and Spell Defenses; wearer may cast Gills spell.
Bracers of Firewind (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 28) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Spellcasting, increases Elementalism, throw air or fire bolts of increasing effectiveness, create air or fire shield of increasing effectiveness, increases Physical and Spell Defense.
Brithan Skull Helmet (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 122) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, increases Social Defense, increases Deflection Bonus, bonus to Intimidation Tests.
Brush of Teleportation (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 128) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Recording device, teleportation.
Buoyant Bag (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduces weight of contents.
Captain's Baldric (Crystal Raiders, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to commanding a ship and/or crew.
Chainmail of Upandal (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Questor of Upandal, Honorable Armor power.
Chains of Lochost (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to entangle slavers, Liberator's Crack power.
Ciu Dan's White Orb (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 128) - Warden, Max Rank 15: Increases Damage Step, increases Moon Ray Effect Step, increases Range of Moon Ray, increases Evidence Analysis, store Moon Points, store additional books, improved Defensive Stance and Giving Ground, store additional spell with Absorb Spell, increases Block Spell, increases Moon Shield, improves Moon Shield, give Moon Points to others, use Moon Points in place of Karma, multiple targets with Moon Ray.
Clan Gauntlets (Cara Fahd, pg. 124) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Wound Threshold, communicate to other gauntlet wearers.
Cobra Whip (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, improved Range, improved entangle, poison.
Consumable Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Base item with a reusable effect with a reduced effectiveness; effectiveness increases along with uses per day. [Cost: 5000]
Counterspell Staff (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Wielder may cast the Counterspell spell with increasing Effect Tests and increase to Spell Defense (secondary) and Damage Step.
Crystal Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increased Damage Step, Range (secondary), Initiative Step (secondary); effects to temporarily increase Physical and Spell Defense, reduce requirement for Armor-Defeating Hit, cause an additional Wound, temporarily provide bonuses to allies and temporarily increase result level required to hit wielder.
Crystal Spell Box (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Allows wielder to capture a spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later; ability to capture spells and number of spells that may be captured increases.
Dagger of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Matrix Strike, increases Spirit Strike.
Dagger of Ishkarat (Serpent River, pg. 110) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Avoid Blow, increase Riposte, increases Physical Defense, powerful attacks against enemies of House Ishkarat.
Dagger of Ping (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 130) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, returns when thrown, use as grapple, Rope Guide spell, improved weapon.
Dawn Spreads Morning Light (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage, increases Melee Weapons, increases Physical Defense, increases Blade Dance, improved Blade Dance, blind opponent.
Defensive Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonus to defense(s) and a small bonus to associated active defense Talent (e.g. Physical Defense bonuses get Avoid Blow). [Cost: 3500]
Denna's Brooch (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Bonus to Spellcasting (Elementalism), bonus to Elementalism, bonus to history of Barsaive, bonus to history of Elven Court.
Devastator Spear (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Throwing Weapons, increases Physical Defense.
Dragon Armor of Jung, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Defense, Regeneration power, Fear power.
Dragon Bone Runes (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 123) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Spell Defense, increases Social Defense, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Armor, random bonus to characteristic.
Dragon Mail (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 30) - Master, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, defensive bonuses against dragons and drakes, reduced Armor-Defeating hits, increases Mystic Armor, stores Karma.
Dragon Robe (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 123) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Spell Matrix, bonus to Spellcasting, bonus to Thread Weaving, bonus to Effect Tests.
Dragon Staff of Pan, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Damage Step, Spell Matrix, increases Spell Defense, improves spell matrix, increases Dragon Breath, Karma on dragon powers, increases Suppress Magic.
Elemental Long-Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Initiative Tests, bonus to Riposte (secondary) and bonus to Wound Balance (secondary); effect to cast Flameweapon spell.
Egrand Fahd, Tukarg's Tuuvool (Cara Fahd, pg. 128) - Master, Max Rank 8: Bonus damage from high ground, bonus to determining health, bonus against disease, transfer Recovery Test to heal a Wound, cast spell into sword to be stored, choose not to cause damage, Inferno of the Eight spell.
Espagra Boots (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to Avoid Blow and Silent Walk; effect to slowly fly.
Espagra Saddle (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Numerous bonuses to mount (including Movement Rate, Physical Armor, Physical, Social and Spell Defenses, Recovery Test, and flight) and rider while mounted (Physical Armor, Recovery Test, and Physical, Spell and Social Defenses).
Everwary (Throal, pg. 137) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Sense Danger, increases Physical Armor, increases Detect Weapon, increases Mystic Armor, increases Disarm, increases Detect Trap, increases Initiative.
Falcon Robe (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 124) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Defense, increases Social Defense, increases Spell Defense, Falcon's Cloak spell.
Fanuukh's Talisman (Burning Desires, pg. 85) - Master, Max Rank 5: Bonus against Knockdown, increases Wound Threshold, increases Physical Armor, call upon power of Earth for aid.
Farliss' Dagger (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 31) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Wounds Horrors and Horror constructs, detects Horrors and Horror constructs.
Fist of Thystonius (Cara Fahd, pg. 126) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Strength-only Tests, increases Unarmed Combat, increases Melee Weapons, Defender's Fury power.
Folding Drakkar (Crystal Raiders, pg. 127) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Large box that unfolds into airships of increasing size.
Forager's Carver (Cara Fahd, pg. 124) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Wilderness Survival, kill wounded prey.
Forest Robes (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Spell Defense and Mystic Armor, bonus to Spellcasting (secondary); effects to cast Earth Blend spell and conceal objects within the robe.
Frost Pouch (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Creates thrown weapon with damage based on Willpower; increases Damage Step and alternate effect to freeze target instead of damage.
Gatherer's Circle, The (Throal, pg. 129) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Record message and send to another stone, increases Conceal Object.
Gears of Artificer (Kratas, pg. 247) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus against traps, defense bonus against anything earth related, bonuses against Artificer.
Gemwall (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Physical Defense, use water spirit's powers.
Gong of Cao, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor, Giant Stomps His Feet spell.
Gou-Tar (Shards Volume 2, pg. 61) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to handling hides, take the form of mundane animals.
Grimeye's Lance (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Rally, summon ghosts.
Growler (Throal, pg. 134) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Frighten, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Battle Bellow, increases Lion Heart, increases Champion Challenge.
Guardcutter (Throal, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, easier Armor-Defeating Hits, bonus to Attack Tests, can cause Bleeding Wounds, increases Spot Armor Flaw and Shield Beater.
Hammer of Nemar (Crystal Raiders, pg. 128) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases damage, increases Forge Weapon, bonus to gather True elements, can destroy non-magical armor.
Headband of Kedar the Dark (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 102) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Social Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Armor, increases Detect Influence.
Healing Vial (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Produces a healing potion of reduced effectiveness once per day; effectiveness increases and up to two per day are produced.
Heavy Armor Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduces Initiative Penalty with a small bonus to Armor Rating or Physical Defense; relies primarily on high base Armor Rating for defense. [Cost: 7500]
Horn of the Seven Winds (Serpent River, pg. 112) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Allows wielder to capture an Elementalism spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later; increases effectiveness of spell capturing, increases Battle Bellow, summon storm wolves.
Hurmon's Crook (Kratas, pg. 248) - Master, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, increases Silent Walk and Surprise Strike, bonus to Climbing Tests, bonus to Melee Weapons Tests.
Ice Blade of Omifan, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 39) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, Spell Matrix.
Jade Dragon (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Master, Max Rank 15: Bonus Knowledge, increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Perception and Willpower Attributes, increases Karma Modifier, increases Charisma, Dexterity, Strength and Toughness Attributes, spend Karma on all Attribute-only Tests, summon Cathay dragon.
Jade Saber of Feng Po (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 12: Increases Damage Step, increases Parry and Riposte, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, store Karma, spend multiple Karma in single attack.
Kegel's Sword (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 31) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, light, bonus against Knockdown, increases Physical Armor.
Key to the Bazaar (Throal, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 8: Increases haggle, increases Evaluate, increases Perception-only Tests, reduce Availability, turns money into mundane items.
Kolldar's Gloves (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Lock Picking, increases Picking Pockets, bonus to Charisma-based Tests to get out of trouble, increases Detect Trap, increases Disarm Trap.
Leatherwing (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Defense, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus to Gliding.
Leldrin's Staff (Ardanyan's Revenge, pg. 83) - Master, Max Rank 5: Spell Matrices, increases Damage Step, increases Spell Defense.
Light Armor Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Armor Rating. [Cost: 5500]
Lightning Mace (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, bonuses to Physical and Spell Defense; effect to cast multiple bolts of lightning, Effect Step of lightning bolts increases.
Little Troll's Helm, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 39) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Improved Aggressive Attack, increases Battle Shout, increases Great Leap, increases Battle Bellow, increases Crushing Blow.
Lodeshield (Throal, pg. 132) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, penalty to attacks against wielder with metal weapons, increases Mystic Armor, Lightning Shield spell, increases Gold Sense, increases Detect Weapon, increases Metal Ward.
Lorm's Axe (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense.
Lotus Flower of Kwan Yin, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Social and Spell Defense, bonus to Interaction Tests (secondary).
Mask of Oltion (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Recovery Tests, mimic faces, increases Spell and Social Defense, create giant column of flame.
Mask of the Crowd (Burning Desires, pg. 86) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Best Face spell, increases Spell Defense, increases Mimic Voice, increases Social Defense, One of the Crowd spell.
Mastery Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonuses to at least two different Tests (e.g. Talent, skill, attribute-only, etc.). [Cost: 3000]
Melee Weapon Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step. [Cost: One-Handed: 4000, Two-Handed: 6000]
Mindreaver (Throal, pg. 136) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mind Wave, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, bonus against mind-affecting abilities.
Mirror (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 33) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Defense, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, bonus to Attack Tests.
Monturk's Carpet (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 33) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Flying carpet of increasing power.
Mountain's Weight (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Knockdown, damages armor.
Mynbruje's Razor (Kratas, pg. 248) - Master, Max Rank 10: Increases Ramming Step, increases Speed Step, increases Maneuverability Step, store Karma, increases Armor, enter astral space, bonus against Horrors.
Naga Scale Brooch (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to Charisma-only Tests, Social Defense and Hypnotize Talent.
Net of Barbs (Serpent River, pg. 111) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, increases Cast Net, improved entangle.
Net of Defense (Serpent River, pg 112) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Cast Net, increases Physical Defense, improved entangle.
Net of Dreams (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Mystic Armor, increases Spell Defense, bonus against illusions, bonus to Recovery Test, communicate to others with Threads to Net of Dreams, weave other people to the Net of Dreams, increases Disrupt Fate.
Neumani Blades (Throal, pg. 129) - Novice, Max Rank 4: bonus to resist fear, bonus to navigate unknown environments, bonus to survive in non-combat situations.
Neverburn (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 34) - Novice, Max Rank 5: Light, grants Heat Sight, bonus to resisting poison.
Nightscar (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 34) - Master, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, spirit powers, Spell Matrix, freezes target.
Nioku's Bow (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 35) - Master, Max Rank 10: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, increases Spell Defense, increases Physical Defense, bonus against spells, increases Attack Tests.
Oratory Necklace (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Bonuses to Charisma-only Tests and Social Defense; increased effectiveness on crowds.
Orichalcum Shield (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, Mystic Armor, Spell Defense and Deflection Bonus and reduces Initiative Penalty.
Pa'aol's Rock (Crystal Raiders, pg. 128) - Master, Max Rank 6: Figurehead that provides significant bonuses while on board the ship and to the ship.
Pal Leng's Spellstaff (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Moon Ray Effect Step, increases Range of Moon Ray, Moonglow spell, Resist Cold spell, Resist Fire spell, store Moon Points, Air Armor spell, Lightning Shield spell, Hunter's Sense spell, store additional spell with Absorb Spell, Weapon Back spell.
Pathfinder (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 36) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Tracking, bonus to Perception Tests, increases Astral Sight, increases Physical Defense, increases Safe Path, create map of Barsaive.
Pattern Delver (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, detect Horror-marked characters, increases Detect Influence,
Poison Clubs (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, injects poison, improves poison.
Potion of Life (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 138) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Produces healing potions and Cure Disease Potions of increasing effectiveness multiple times per day.
Protective Amulet (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonuses to Spell Defense (primary), Social Defense (secondary) and Steel Thought (secondary).
Puppet Familiar (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 138) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Contains two spell matrices of increasing potency; effect causes puppet to come to life.
Purifier (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, detect Horror's corruption, bonus damage against Horrors and Horror constructs.
Purse Ever Bountiful (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Duplicates coins of increasing value and results in increasing duplicates. [Most purses only go to Thread Rank 3]
Quill of the Great Library (Throal, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Artisan Tests, bonus to Research, improves attitudes, bonus to Knowledge Tests.
Ranged Weapon Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Range with a small bonus to Damage Step. [Cost: One-Handed: 5000, Two-Handed: 4000]
Rapier of Wit (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Taunt and Parry, reduced requirement to achieve Armor-Defeating Hits.
Razor Kamas (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, increases Climbing.
Razorclaw (Shards Volume 1, pg. 28) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increase Damage Step, increases Physical Defense.
Robe of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Spellcasting, Spell Matrix, increases Mystic Armor, bonus to Elementalism, increases Physical Armor, bonus to Summon for elemental spirits.
Robe of Iron Silk (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 124) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Bonus against those that owe allegiance, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, more difficult Armor-Defeating Hits.
Savage Hides (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Deflection Bonus, bonuses to Hunting, Tracking, Mystic Aim and Surprise Strike, and has Unarmed Combat weapons.
Scarab of Ilithor (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Crunch Climb spell, Gills spell, Ethereal Darkness spell, Nobody Here spell, Inventory spell.
Scarlet Sentinel (Burning Desires, pg. 87) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, Palace Guard ability, increases Physical and Social Defense, increases Life Check, bonus against Knockdown.
Sextant (Throal, pg. 129) - Journeyman, Max Rank 3: Bonus to Navigation, bonus to Mapmaking.
Shadow Bombs (Kratas, pg. 244) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Create darkness, increases size and duration of darkness.
Shanguh's Mighty Hearts (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Strength, bonus to Guhvuul Tests, bonus to Strength Tests.
Shredder (Crystal Raiders, pg. 129) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus to damage after Fireblood, bonus against Riposte.
Shuriken (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, recall when thrown.
Silvered Shield (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 140) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus Recovery Test and increases requirement to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wielder; effect allows wielder to reflect spells back upon the caster with a Reserve Action and successful Spellcasting Test, bonuses to that Spellcasting Test.
Slippers of Flight (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Flight, improved flight.
Smoke (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Attack Tests, bypass Physical Armor.
Sock of Granak, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Unarmed Combat, increases Swift Kick, increases Battle Shout, increases Air Sailing, increases Great Leap, increases Crushing Blow.
Soulsafe (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, bonus protection against Horrors and Horror constructs.
Special Effect Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Item with miscellaneous effect is improved. [Cost: 5000]
Spell Sword (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 140) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, holds multiple Spell Matrices, increases Physical and Spell Defense (secondary).
Spelldancer (Throal, pg. 138) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, sword attacks independently when a spell is cast, increases Physical Defense.
Spellgorger (Throal, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Allows wielder to capture a spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, ability to capture spells and number of spells that may be captured increases, bonus against Knockdown Tests, bonus to Recovery Tests, increases Moving Earth.
Spellmaster's Wand (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Spellcasting (primary), Thread Weaving (secondary) and spell Effect Tests (secondary).
Spike Bomb (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 141) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Thrown weapon that targets Mystic Armor; increases Damage Step, increases range, may affect multiple targets.
Spike Gauntlets (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 141) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, Unarmed Combat weapon, increases Social Defense (secondary).
Staff of Agrikal, The (Shards Volume 1, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Defense, increases Parry, increases Spellcasting, increases Thread Weaving
Staff of Akarem the Mage-Builder (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 102) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Spellcasting, increases Detect Trap, increases Physical and Spell Defense against elemental attacks, summon earth elemental.
Staff of Avanthus, The (Shards Volume 2, pg. 13) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Spellcasting and Elementalism, Spell Matrix, bonus to Contest of Wills against fire spirits, bonus to summon fire spirits, summon lava spirit.
Staff of Overwhelming Thunder (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, improved Knockdown.
Staff of Vylir (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 38) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Spellcasting, Spear spirit power, detect True elements, increases Willforce, bonus to summon or control elemental spirits.
Stone of Wisdom, The (Shards Volume 1, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Perception-only Tests, increases Social Defense, increases Detect Influence.
Storm Shan (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 126) - Novice, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Air Blast spell.
Stormlance (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Initiative Step, generate ranged attacks, charge with electricity for bonus damage, summon a storm.
Sword of Fentheri, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Master, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Recovery and Toughness Tests, increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Sprint, increases Mystic Armor, bonus against spells and Horror abilities, reduced requirement for Armor-Defeating Hit, Ship Speed power.
Swords of Command (Kratas, pg. 243) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Empathic Sense to other wielders of other swords in set, bonus to Tactics, bonus to commanding commanding troops.
Taishi's Crossbow (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 126) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, Fireball spell.
Taishi's Dagger (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 127) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, shoot lightning bolt.
Talisman Statue (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Spellcasting and Thread Weaving Tests (secondary), increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, improved Karma Step for Spellcasting, Effect or Thread Weaving Tests.
Thorn Man Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Thornwhistler (Throal, pg. 136) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, ranged attack, increasing effectiveness of ranged attack.
Thread Crossbow (Medium) (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Range (primary) and increased Damage Step (secondary).
Thread Crystal Ringlet (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Mystic (primary) and Physical (secondary) Armor Ratings.
Thread Flight Dagger of the Cutthroat (Kratas, pg. 245) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Thrown Weapons, increases Conceal Weapon, increases Surprise Strike, Weapon Back spell.
Thread Hook Hatchet (Kratas, pg. 245) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Throwing Weapons Tests, increases Range, entangling.
Thread Mini Crossbow (Kratas, pg. 246) - Warden, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, arm as Free Action, improved aiming, create ammo, poison bolts.
Thread Plate (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduced Initiative Penalty (primary) and increased Mystic Armor Rating (secondary).
Thread Short Sword (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Thread Spider Gloves and Slippers (Kratas, pg. 244) - Journeyman, Max Rank 3: Increases Climbing, more freedom when climbing.
Thread Warhammer (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Three-Axe (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increased Damage Step.
Thunderstaff (Crystal Raiders, pg. 126) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Cast Lightning Bolt with increasing damage, cast Thunderclap.
Tome of Memory (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 43) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to lost knowledge and legends, increases Read/Write Language and Read/Write Magic, increases Spell Defense against Nethermancy, Spell Matrix.
Tools of the Architect (Throal, pg. 140) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Tests while in Inner Cities of Throal, bonus to Defenses while in Inner Cities of Throal, halve design/crafting time, increases Fortify Structure, Karma on Talent Tests while in Halls or Inner Cities of Throal.
Torch of Astendar (Cara Fahd, pg. 127) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Create warmth and light, bonus to Charisma-based Tests, Astendar's Fire power.
Truefang (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 44) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Initiative Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor.
Twilight Bracelet (Crystal Raiders, pg. 127) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Related to the Order of Silver Twilight, increases Spell, Physical (secondary) and Social (secondary) Defense against Horrors.
Twilight Staff, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, light, make astral aura visible, Blessed Light spell, block Horror's access to astral space.
Vase of Hidden Wonders (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 127) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Magical storage and inventory.
Venna's Armor (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 44) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, reduces Armor-Defeating Hits, store Karma, increases Physical and Spell Defense, unleash stored Karma.
War Gauntlets (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonus to close combat Damage Tests and Attack Tests.
War Helm of Landis (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Armor, increases Social Defense, increases Charisma-only Tests, increases Spell Defense (secondary).
Whip of Defense (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 143) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Defense (special), increases Spell Defense.
Whip of Dis (Kratas, pg. 246) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, regrow whip, Pain spell, bonus to Melee Weapons Tests, Sleep spell.
Whispering Earrings (Ardanyan's Revenge, pg. 83) - Warden, Max Rank 3: Communicate with other Whispering Earrings.
Windfury's Ballista, The (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Ship-mounted weapon with a host of bonuses.
Windling Cup of Friendship (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 143) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: creates water or wine, increases Charisma-based Tests against non-Windlings (secondary), increases Charisma-based Tests against Windlings, improves Attitude towards cup holder, can generate a healing potion (special), grants access to Windling racial abilities.
Windrazor (Serpent River, pg. 115) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step,
Wrist Carver (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 144) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Attack Tests, can cause a Bleeding Wound, increases Parry.
Wyrmsfang (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Master, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, shoot fire, produce poison.
Below is a list of every Thread Item in Earthdawn 3E, along with a citation and very brief description of what it is about. The organization to this list may eventually change, so if you have any suggestions to improve functionality, leave a comment. As well, there will be analysis of the Thread Items on this list, so if there is something in particular you would like to see broken down, let me know. My hope is to eventually include any Thread Items from previous editions that have not yet been included in 3E and update their Thread Ranks. Finally, I'm toying with the idea of including fan material (including my own, in addition to anyone else that wants to contribute), but I'm currently limiting this to only official material. Please let me know what your thoughts are on this, as it is entirely for the readers.
Amulet of Agamon (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 27) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Mystic Armor, increases Spell Defense, Spell Matrix, increases Steel Thought.
Amulet of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 41) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, Spell Matrix, increases Elemental Tongues, summon elemental spirit.
Amulet of Dirac (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 101) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, acts as a Healing Potion, acts as a Desperate Blow charm, acts as a Death Cheat charm.
Armor of Elemental Water (Serpent River, pg. 110) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, floats, protects against Armor-Defeating Hits, increases Initiative, Aid Summoner power.
Bands of Fortune (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 27) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Contains Karma, increasing bonus to Karma spent from item, ability to spend massive Karma, transfer Karma between Bands.
Beacon (Crystal Raiders, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 5: A ship-portable weapon.
Blade of Alemvor, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 38) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Divine Aura spell, Spell Matrix, increases Spellcasting and Wizardry, increases Ethereal Weapon.
Blade Wig (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 122) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Social Defense, unarmed Attack Tests, entangling, increases Damage Step, additional attack.
Boodsong (Throal, pg. 135) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Access other's memories, increases Damage Step, increases Perception-only Tests,
Bloodwall (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 28) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Defense, increases Deflection Bonus, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Astral Sight.
Bondforger (Throal, pg. 133) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Bond characters to wielder's cause, increases Charisma-only Tests, increases Tactics.
Bracers of Aras (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical and Spell Defenses; wearer may cast Gills spell.
Bracers of Firewind (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 28) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Spellcasting, increases Elementalism, throw air or fire bolts of increasing effectiveness, create air or fire shield of increasing effectiveness, increases Physical and Spell Defense.
Brithan Skull Helmet (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 122) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, increases Social Defense, increases Deflection Bonus, bonus to Intimidation Tests.
Brush of Teleportation (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 128) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Recording device, teleportation.
Buoyant Bag (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduces weight of contents.
Captain's Baldric (Crystal Raiders, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to commanding a ship and/or crew.
Chainmail of Upandal (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Questor of Upandal, Honorable Armor power.
Chains of Lochost (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to entangle slavers, Liberator's Crack power.
Ciu Dan's White Orb (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 128) - Warden, Max Rank 15: Increases Damage Step, increases Moon Ray Effect Step, increases Range of Moon Ray, increases Evidence Analysis, store Moon Points, store additional books, improved Defensive Stance and Giving Ground, store additional spell with Absorb Spell, increases Block Spell, increases Moon Shield, improves Moon Shield, give Moon Points to others, use Moon Points in place of Karma, multiple targets with Moon Ray.
Clan Gauntlets (Cara Fahd, pg. 124) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Wound Threshold, communicate to other gauntlet wearers.
Cobra Whip (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, improved Range, improved entangle, poison.
Consumable Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Base item with a reusable effect with a reduced effectiveness; effectiveness increases along with uses per day. [Cost: 5000]
Counterspell Staff (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Wielder may cast the Counterspell spell with increasing Effect Tests and increase to Spell Defense (secondary) and Damage Step.
Crystal Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increased Damage Step, Range (secondary), Initiative Step (secondary); effects to temporarily increase Physical and Spell Defense, reduce requirement for Armor-Defeating Hit, cause an additional Wound, temporarily provide bonuses to allies and temporarily increase result level required to hit wielder.
Crystal Spell Box (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Allows wielder to capture a spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later; ability to capture spells and number of spells that may be captured increases.
Dagger of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Matrix Strike, increases Spirit Strike.
Dagger of Ishkarat (Serpent River, pg. 110) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Avoid Blow, increase Riposte, increases Physical Defense, powerful attacks against enemies of House Ishkarat.
Dagger of Ping (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 130) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, returns when thrown, use as grapple, Rope Guide spell, improved weapon.
Dawn Spreads Morning Light (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage, increases Melee Weapons, increases Physical Defense, increases Blade Dance, improved Blade Dance, blind opponent.
Defensive Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonus to defense(s) and a small bonus to associated active defense Talent (e.g. Physical Defense bonuses get Avoid Blow). [Cost: 3500]
Denna's Brooch (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Bonus to Spellcasting (Elementalism), bonus to Elementalism, bonus to history of Barsaive, bonus to history of Elven Court.
Devastator Spear (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Throwing Weapons, increases Physical Defense.
Dragon Armor of Jung, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Defense, Regeneration power, Fear power.
Dragon Bone Runes (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 123) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Spell Defense, increases Social Defense, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Armor, random bonus to characteristic.
Dragon Mail (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 30) - Master, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, defensive bonuses against dragons and drakes, reduced Armor-Defeating hits, increases Mystic Armor, stores Karma.
Dragon Robe (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 123) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Spell Matrix, bonus to Spellcasting, bonus to Thread Weaving, bonus to Effect Tests.
Dragon Staff of Pan, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Damage Step, Spell Matrix, increases Spell Defense, improves spell matrix, increases Dragon Breath, Karma on dragon powers, increases Suppress Magic.
Elemental Long-Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Initiative Tests, bonus to Riposte (secondary) and bonus to Wound Balance (secondary); effect to cast Flameweapon spell.
Egrand Fahd, Tukarg's Tuuvool (Cara Fahd, pg. 128) - Master, Max Rank 8: Bonus damage from high ground, bonus to determining health, bonus against disease, transfer Recovery Test to heal a Wound, cast spell into sword to be stored, choose not to cause damage, Inferno of the Eight spell.
Espagra Boots (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to Avoid Blow and Silent Walk; effect to slowly fly.
Espagra Saddle (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Numerous bonuses to mount (including Movement Rate, Physical Armor, Physical, Social and Spell Defenses, Recovery Test, and flight) and rider while mounted (Physical Armor, Recovery Test, and Physical, Spell and Social Defenses).
Everwary (Throal, pg. 137) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Sense Danger, increases Physical Armor, increases Detect Weapon, increases Mystic Armor, increases Disarm, increases Detect Trap, increases Initiative.
Falcon Robe (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 124) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Defense, increases Social Defense, increases Spell Defense, Falcon's Cloak spell.
Fanuukh's Talisman (Burning Desires, pg. 85) - Master, Max Rank 5: Bonus against Knockdown, increases Wound Threshold, increases Physical Armor, call upon power of Earth for aid.
Farliss' Dagger (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 31) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Wounds Horrors and Horror constructs, detects Horrors and Horror constructs.
Fist of Thystonius (Cara Fahd, pg. 126) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Strength-only Tests, increases Unarmed Combat, increases Melee Weapons, Defender's Fury power.
Folding Drakkar (Crystal Raiders, pg. 127) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Large box that unfolds into airships of increasing size.
Forager's Carver (Cara Fahd, pg. 124) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Wilderness Survival, kill wounded prey.
Forest Robes (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Spell Defense and Mystic Armor, bonus to Spellcasting (secondary); effects to cast Earth Blend spell and conceal objects within the robe.
Frost Pouch (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Creates thrown weapon with damage based on Willpower; increases Damage Step and alternate effect to freeze target instead of damage.
Gatherer's Circle, The (Throal, pg. 129) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Record message and send to another stone, increases Conceal Object.
Gears of Artificer (Kratas, pg. 247) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus against traps, defense bonus against anything earth related, bonuses against Artificer.
Gemwall (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Physical Defense, use water spirit's powers.
Gong of Cao, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 132) - Journeyman, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor, Giant Stomps His Feet spell.
Gou-Tar (Shards Volume 2, pg. 61) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to handling hides, take the form of mundane animals.
Grimeye's Lance (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Rally, summon ghosts.
Growler (Throal, pg. 134) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Frighten, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Battle Bellow, increases Lion Heart, increases Champion Challenge.
Guardcutter (Throal, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, easier Armor-Defeating Hits, bonus to Attack Tests, can cause Bleeding Wounds, increases Spot Armor Flaw and Shield Beater.
Hammer of Nemar (Crystal Raiders, pg. 128) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases damage, increases Forge Weapon, bonus to gather True elements, can destroy non-magical armor.
Headband of Kedar the Dark (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 102) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Social Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Armor, increases Detect Influence.
Healing Vial (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Produces a healing potion of reduced effectiveness once per day; effectiveness increases and up to two per day are produced.
Heavy Armor Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduces Initiative Penalty with a small bonus to Armor Rating or Physical Defense; relies primarily on high base Armor Rating for defense. [Cost: 7500]
Horn of the Seven Winds (Serpent River, pg. 112) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Allows wielder to capture an Elementalism spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later; increases effectiveness of spell capturing, increases Battle Bellow, summon storm wolves.
Hurmon's Crook (Kratas, pg. 248) - Master, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, increases Silent Walk and Surprise Strike, bonus to Climbing Tests, bonus to Melee Weapons Tests.
Ice Blade of Omifan, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 39) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, Spell Matrix.
Jade Dragon (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 133) - Master, Max Rank 15: Bonus Knowledge, increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, increases Perception and Willpower Attributes, increases Karma Modifier, increases Charisma, Dexterity, Strength and Toughness Attributes, spend Karma on all Attribute-only Tests, summon Cathay dragon.
Jade Saber of Feng Po (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 12: Increases Damage Step, increases Parry and Riposte, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, store Karma, spend multiple Karma in single attack.
Kegel's Sword (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 31) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, light, bonus against Knockdown, increases Physical Armor.
Key to the Bazaar (Throal, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 8: Increases haggle, increases Evaluate, increases Perception-only Tests, reduce Availability, turns money into mundane items.
Kolldar's Gloves (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Lock Picking, increases Picking Pockets, bonus to Charisma-based Tests to get out of trouble, increases Detect Trap, increases Disarm Trap.
Leatherwing (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mystic Armor, increases Physical Defense, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus to Gliding.
Leldrin's Staff (Ardanyan's Revenge, pg. 83) - Master, Max Rank 5: Spell Matrices, increases Damage Step, increases Spell Defense.
Light Armor Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Armor Rating. [Cost: 5500]
Lightning Mace (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, bonuses to Physical and Spell Defense; effect to cast multiple bolts of lightning, Effect Step of lightning bolts increases.
Little Troll's Helm, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 39) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Improved Aggressive Attack, increases Battle Shout, increases Great Leap, increases Battle Bellow, increases Crushing Blow.
Lodeshield (Throal, pg. 132) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, penalty to attacks against wielder with metal weapons, increases Mystic Armor, Lightning Shield spell, increases Gold Sense, increases Detect Weapon, increases Metal Ward.
Lorm's Axe (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense.
Lotus Flower of Kwan Yin, The (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Social and Spell Defense, bonus to Interaction Tests (secondary).
Mask of Oltion (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 32) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Recovery Tests, mimic faces, increases Spell and Social Defense, create giant column of flame.
Mask of the Crowd (Burning Desires, pg. 86) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Best Face spell, increases Spell Defense, increases Mimic Voice, increases Social Defense, One of the Crowd spell.
Mastery Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonuses to at least two different Tests (e.g. Talent, skill, attribute-only, etc.). [Cost: 3000]
Melee Weapon Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step. [Cost: One-Handed: 4000, Two-Handed: 6000]
Mindreaver (Throal, pg. 136) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Physical Armor, increases Mind Wave, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, bonus against mind-affecting abilities.
Mirror (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 33) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Defense, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, bonus to Attack Tests.
Monturk's Carpet (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 33) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Flying carpet of increasing power.
Mountain's Weight (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Knockdown, damages armor.
Mynbruje's Razor (Kratas, pg. 248) - Master, Max Rank 10: Increases Ramming Step, increases Speed Step, increases Maneuverability Step, store Karma, increases Armor, enter astral space, bonus against Horrors.
Naga Scale Brooch (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonuses to Charisma-only Tests, Social Defense and Hypnotize Talent.
Net of Barbs (Serpent River, pg. 111) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, increases Cast Net, improved entangle.
Net of Defense (Serpent River, pg 112) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Cast Net, increases Physical Defense, improved entangle.
Net of Dreams (Serpent River, pg. 113) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Mystic Armor, increases Spell Defense, bonus against illusions, bonus to Recovery Test, communicate to others with Threads to Net of Dreams, weave other people to the Net of Dreams, increases Disrupt Fate.
Neumani Blades (Throal, pg. 129) - Novice, Max Rank 4: bonus to resist fear, bonus to navigate unknown environments, bonus to survive in non-combat situations.
Neverburn (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 34) - Novice, Max Rank 5: Light, grants Heat Sight, bonus to resisting poison.
Nightscar (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 34) - Master, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, spirit powers, Spell Matrix, freezes target.
Nioku's Bow (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 35) - Master, Max Rank 10: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, increases Spell Defense, increases Physical Defense, bonus against spells, increases Attack Tests.
Oratory Necklace (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Bonuses to Charisma-only Tests and Social Defense; increased effectiveness on crowds.
Orichalcum Shield (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 137) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Armor, Mystic Armor, Spell Defense and Deflection Bonus and reduces Initiative Penalty.
Pa'aol's Rock (Crystal Raiders, pg. 128) - Master, Max Rank 6: Figurehead that provides significant bonuses while on board the ship and to the ship.
Pal Leng's Spellstaff (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 134) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Moon Ray Effect Step, increases Range of Moon Ray, Moonglow spell, Resist Cold spell, Resist Fire spell, store Moon Points, Air Armor spell, Lightning Shield spell, Hunter's Sense spell, store additional spell with Absorb Spell, Weapon Back spell.
Pathfinder (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 36) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Tracking, bonus to Perception Tests, increases Astral Sight, increases Physical Defense, increases Safe Path, create map of Barsaive.
Pattern Delver (Cara Fahd, pg. 129) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, detect Horror-marked characters, increases Detect Influence,
Poison Clubs (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, injects poison, improves poison.
Potion of Life (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 138) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Produces healing potions and Cure Disease Potions of increasing effectiveness multiple times per day.
Protective Amulet (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonuses to Spell Defense (primary), Social Defense (secondary) and Steel Thought (secondary).
Puppet Familiar (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 138) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Contains two spell matrices of increasing potency; effect causes puppet to come to life.
Purifier (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, detect Horror's corruption, bonus damage against Horrors and Horror constructs.
Purse Ever Bountiful (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Duplicates coins of increasing value and results in increasing duplicates. [Most purses only go to Thread Rank 3]
Quill of the Great Library (Throal, pg. 131) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Artisan Tests, bonus to Research, improves attitudes, bonus to Knowledge Tests.
Ranged Weapon Template (Player's Guide, pg. 276) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Range with a small bonus to Damage Step. [Cost: One-Handed: 5000, Two-Handed: 4000]
Rapier of Wit (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Taunt and Parry, reduced requirement to achieve Armor-Defeating Hits.
Razor Kamas (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, increases Climbing.
Razorclaw (Shards Volume 1, pg. 28) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increase Damage Step, increases Physical Defense.
Robe of Dianuus, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Spellcasting, Spell Matrix, increases Mystic Armor, bonus to Elementalism, increases Physical Armor, bonus to Summon for elemental spirits.
Robe of Iron Silk (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 124) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Bonus against those that owe allegiance, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, more difficult Armor-Defeating Hits.
Savage Hides (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Deflection Bonus, bonuses to Hunting, Tracking, Mystic Aim and Surprise Strike, and has Unarmed Combat weapons.
Scarab of Ilithor (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Crunch Climb spell, Gills spell, Ethereal Darkness spell, Nobody Here spell, Inventory spell.
Scarlet Sentinel (Burning Desires, pg. 87) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, Palace Guard ability, increases Physical and Social Defense, increases Life Check, bonus against Knockdown.
Sextant (Throal, pg. 129) - Journeyman, Max Rank 3: Bonus to Navigation, bonus to Mapmaking.
Shadow Bombs (Kratas, pg. 244) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Create darkness, increases size and duration of darkness.
Shanguh's Mighty Hearts (Cara Fahd, pg. 125) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Strength, bonus to Guhvuul Tests, bonus to Strength Tests.
Shredder (Crystal Raiders, pg. 129) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Physical and Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus to damage after Fireblood, bonus against Riposte.
Shuriken (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 125) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, recall when thrown.
Silvered Shield (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 140) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Mystic Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, bonus Recovery Test and increases requirement to inflict Armor-Defeating Hits on the wielder; effect allows wielder to reflect spells back upon the caster with a Reserve Action and successful Spellcasting Test, bonuses to that Spellcasting Test.
Slippers of Flight (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 135) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Flight, improved flight.
Smoke (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Attack Tests, bypass Physical Armor.
Sock of Granak, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Unarmed Combat, increases Swift Kick, increases Battle Shout, increases Air Sailing, increases Great Leap, increases Crushing Blow.
Soulsafe (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 37) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, bonus protection against Horrors and Horror constructs.
Special Effect Item Template (Player's Guide, pg. 277) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Item with miscellaneous effect is improved. [Cost: 5000]
Spell Sword (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 140) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, holds multiple Spell Matrices, increases Physical and Spell Defense (secondary).
Spelldancer (Throal, pg. 138) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, sword attacks independently when a spell is cast, increases Physical Defense.
Spellgorger (Throal, pg. 139) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Allows wielder to capture a spell that is being cast with a Reserved Action, releasing that spell later, increases Physical and Mystic Armor, ability to capture spells and number of spells that may be captured increases, bonus against Knockdown Tests, bonus to Recovery Tests, increases Moving Earth.
Spellmaster's Wand (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Spellcasting (primary), Thread Weaving (secondary) and spell Effect Tests (secondary).
Spike Bomb (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 141) - Journeyman, Max Rank 7: Thrown weapon that targets Mystic Armor; increases Damage Step, increases range, may affect multiple targets.
Spike Gauntlets (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 141) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: Increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, Unarmed Combat weapon, increases Social Defense (secondary).
Staff of Agrikal, The (Shards Volume 1, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Physical Defense, increases Parry, increases Spellcasting, increases Thread Weaving
Staff of Akarem the Mage-Builder (Mists of Betrayal, pg. 102) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Spellcasting, increases Detect Trap, increases Physical and Spell Defense against elemental attacks, summon earth elemental.
Staff of Avanthus, The (Shards Volume 2, pg. 13) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Spellcasting and Elementalism, Spell Matrix, bonus to Contest of Wills against fire spirits, bonus to summon fire spirits, summon lava spirit.
Staff of Overwhelming Thunder (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 136) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, improved Knockdown.
Staff of Vylir (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 38) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Spellcasting, Spear spirit power, detect True elements, increases Willforce, bonus to summon or control elemental spirits.
Stone of Wisdom, The (Shards Volume 1, pg. 29) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to Perception-only Tests, increases Social Defense, increases Detect Influence.
Storm Shan (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 126) - Novice, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, Air Blast spell.
Stormlance (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Initiative Step, generate ranged attacks, charge with electricity for bonus damage, summon a storm.
Sword of Fentheri, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 40) - Master, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Recovery and Toughness Tests, increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Sprint, increases Mystic Armor, bonus against spells and Horror abilities, reduced requirement for Armor-Defeating Hit, Ship Speed power.
Swords of Command (Kratas, pg. 243) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Empathic Sense to other wielders of other swords in set, bonus to Tactics, bonus to commanding commanding troops.
Taishi's Crossbow (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 126) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, Fireball spell.
Taishi's Dagger (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 127) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, shoot lightning bolt.
Talisman Statue (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Spellcasting and Thread Weaving Tests (secondary), increases Spell Defense, increases Mystic Armor, improved Karma Step for Spellcasting, Effect or Thread Weaving Tests.
Thorn Man Spear (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Thornwhistler (Throal, pg. 136) - Warden, Max Rank 9: Increases Damage Step, ranged attack, increasing effectiveness of ranged attack.
Thread Crossbow (Medium) (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Range (primary) and increased Damage Step (secondary).
Thread Crystal Ringlet (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Mystic (primary) and Physical (secondary) Armor Ratings.
Thread Flight Dagger of the Cutthroat (Kratas, pg. 245) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, increases Thrown Weapons, increases Conceal Weapon, increases Surprise Strike, Weapon Back spell.
Thread Hook Hatchet (Kratas, pg. 245) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Throwing Weapons Tests, increases Range, entangling.
Thread Mini Crossbow (Kratas, pg. 246) - Warden, Max Rank 8: Increases Damage Step, increases Range, arm as Free Action, improved aiming, create ammo, poison bolts.
Thread Plate (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Reduced Initiative Penalty (primary) and increased Mystic Armor Rating (secondary).
Thread Short Sword (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Thread Spider Gloves and Slippers (Kratas, pg. 244) - Journeyman, Max Rank 3: Increases Climbing, more freedom when climbing.
Thread Warhammer (Player's Guide, pg. 278) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Increased Damage Step.
Three-Axe (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Increased Damage Step.
Thunderstaff (Crystal Raiders, pg. 126) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Cast Lightning Bolt with increasing damage, cast Thunderclap.
Tome of Memory (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 43) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Bonus to lost knowledge and legends, increases Read/Write Language and Read/Write Magic, increases Spell Defense against Nethermancy, Spell Matrix.
Tools of the Architect (Throal, pg. 140) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Bonus to Tests while in Inner Cities of Throal, bonus to Defenses while in Inner Cities of Throal, halve design/crafting time, increases Fortify Structure, Karma on Talent Tests while in Halls or Inner Cities of Throal.
Torch of Astendar (Cara Fahd, pg. 127) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Create warmth and light, bonus to Charisma-based Tests, Astendar's Fire power.
Truefang (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 44) - Master, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, increases Initiative Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Mystic Armor.
Twilight Bracelet (Crystal Raiders, pg. 127) - Journeyman, Max Rank 5: Related to the Order of Silver Twilight, increases Spell, Physical (secondary) and Social (secondary) Defense against Horrors.
Twilight Staff, The (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 42) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Increases Damage Step, light, make astral aura visible, Blessed Light spell, block Horror's access to astral space.
Vase of Hidden Wonders (Cathay Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 127) - Warden, Max Rank 7: Magical storage and inventory.
Venna's Armor (Gamemaster's Companion, pg. 44) - Warden, Max Rank 10: Increases Physical Armor, reduces Initiative Penalty, increases Mystic Armor, reduces Armor-Defeating Hits, store Karma, increases Physical and Spell Defense, unleash stored Karma.
War Gauntlets (Player's Guide, pg. 279) - Novice, Max Rank 4: Bonus to close combat Damage Tests and Attack Tests.
War Helm of Landis (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 142) - Journeyman, Max Rank 4: Increases Physical Armor, increases Social Defense, increases Charisma-only Tests, increases Spell Defense (secondary).
Whip of Defense (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 143) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Physical Defense (special), increases Spell Defense.
Whip of Dis (Kratas, pg. 246) - Warden, Max Rank 4: Increases Damage Step, regrow whip, Pain spell, bonus to Melee Weapons Tests, Sleep spell.
Whispering Earrings (Ardanyan's Revenge, pg. 83) - Warden, Max Rank 3: Communicate with other Whispering Earrings.
Windfury's Ballista, The (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Warden, Max Rank 5: Ship-mounted weapon with a host of bonuses.
Windling Cup of Friendship (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 143) - Journeyman, Max Rank 8: creates water or wine, increases Charisma-based Tests against non-Windlings (secondary), increases Charisma-based Tests against Windlings, improves Attitude towards cup holder, can generate a healing potion (special), grants access to Windling racial abilities.
Windrazor (Serpent River, pg. 115) - Warden, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step,
Wrist Carver (Gamemaster's Guide, pg. 144) - Journeyman, Max Rank 6: Increases Damage Step, bonus to Attack Tests, can cause a Bleeding Wound, increases Parry.
Wyrmsfang (Crystal Raiders, pg. 130) - Master, Max Rank 7: Increases Damage Step, increases Physical Defense, increases Spell Defense, shoot fire, produce poison.
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