Six characters have been created and it took under an hour and a half. This is my first time doing this and I have a feeling that it would go even faster if I was doing it for myself rather than guessing at what would be good with some vague goals. What I'm getting at is: this is very easy to do.
Below are the write-ups of each of the characters. Core Traits that are italicized are the iconic trait for that character and can be expended for relevant feats.
The Bully
Origin Talent: Farm Kid
Specialty: Scrap
Flaw: Each time you are wounded test Pluck against your total Wounds. On a failure you are scared until healed or the source of your injury no longer threatens you.
Threats: You may spend a turn making an opposed Cool test against a character within a stone's throw who can see or hear you. They must have a lower personal grade, have a lower Muscle trait, or be of smaller stature than you. If you win the test you receive an advantage on your Scrap tests against the target for this scene of +1 for each grade by which you win.
Pile-On: When wrestling with foes who are his stature or smaller, your are considered one stature level larger for determining you and your opponent's penalties and movement limitations.
David and Goliath: Whenever facing an opponent whose stature is larger than yours, you gain a +1 advantage on attack tests against that opponent. If you succeed at the attack test against a larger opponent, you may expend on Pluck to also inflict +1 wound.

Cool: 4 (-2 disadvantage)
Pluck: 2
Imagination: 2
Luck: 1
Muscle: 5
Playground Traits
Hide: 1
Seek: 2
Scamper: 1
Scrap: 5
Throw: 2
Study Traits
4-H: 1
Book Learning: 1
Boy Scouts: 2
Country Club: N/A
Gaming: N/A
Home Ec.: N/A
Industrial Arts: 3
Juvie: 3
Keepsakes: Roll of nickels, digital watch
The Dreamer
Origin Talent: Home-Schooled
Specialty: Imagination
Flaw: You have a -1 on all tests made against charm spells, illusions and similar abilities that toy with the mind.
I Think I Can: For each single Imagination that you expend, you may generate imaginings as if you had expended two Imagination.
Happy Thoughts: When you heal your own wounds by expending Imagination, you heal two wounds for every one Imagination expended. When you heal others' wounds by expending Imagination, you heal one wound for every one Imagination expended.
Hawk-Eyed: You gain +2 advantage on Seek tests made to notice or find small or hidden things, whether up-close or at a distance. This advantage does not apply to tests made to detect ambushes.

Cool: 1
Pluck: 1
Imagination: 7
Luck: 2
Muscle: 1
Playground Traits
Hide: 3
Seek: 5
Scamper: 3 (-1 disadvantage)
Scrap: 1
Throw: 2 (-1 disadvantage)
Study Traits
4-H: 2
Book Learning: 2
Boy Scouts: N/A
Country Club: 2
Gaming: 4
Home Ec.: 3
Industrial Arts: N/A
Juvie: N/A
Keepsakes: Chalk, markers, crayons, drawing paper
The Jock
Origin Talent: Exchange Student
Specialty: Throw
Flaw: You may only focus on, step up on, and receive teamwork bonus dice on Muscle, Scamper and Throw tests.
The Winning Play: Once per scene, without spending your turn, you may gain +1 grade to Muscle, Scamper and Throw tests for the rest of the scene. Thereafter, you Muscle trait is expended by one grade.
Team Spirit: Even when you spend your turn doing something other than providing teamwork, you may grant a bonus teamwork die to a character within a cricket's hop, so long as that character is spending their turn doing the same thing as you.
Crack Shot: On your initial roll for all Throw tests, you boost to the next grade on a roll of 5 or 6 instead of only 6. Subsequent rolls have a target range of 6, as normal. After focusing on a Throw and before making a Throw test, you may expend one or more Luck. If you do so, your increased target number carries over to one subsequent roll per Luck expended. For each subsequent roll after the first, however, your increased target number range decreases by one.

Core Traits
Cool: 2 (-1 disadvantage)
Pluck: 4
Imagination: 2
Luck: 1
Muscle: 3
Playground Traits
Hide: 1
Seek: 1
Scamper: 5
Scrap: 3
Throw: 5
Study Traits
4-H: N/A
Book Learning: 1
Boy Scouts: N/A
Country Club: N/A
Gaming: N/A
Home Ec.: 2
Industrial Arts: 1
Juvie: N/A
Keepsakes: Louisville Slugger, baseball, baseball glove
The Nerd
Origin Talent: Home Schooled
Specialty: Study Traits
Flaw: You may never focus on, step up on, or receive teamwork bonus dice on Cool, Muscle or Scrap tests.
Studious: At character creation and each time you increase in personal grade, two of your Study Traits increase by one grade each.
Insight: Once per scene, by spending your turn and expending one Imagination, you may ask the narrator a question that they must answer, although they can be tricky or circumspect. The answer should be helpful, but may take the form of a hint or cryptic reply.
Grip on Reality: You gain +1 grade on tests to see past illusions and disguises, as well as +1 grade on tests to resist powers or magical spells that would cloud your judgement.

Cool: 1
Pluck: 5
Imagination: 3
Luck: 1
Muscle: 1
Playground Traits
Hide: 4
Seek: 5
Scamper: 1
Scrap: 1 (-1 disadvantage)
Throw: 1 (-1 disadvantage)
Study Traits
4-H: 2
Book Learning: 6
Boy Scouts: 4
Country Club: N/A
Gaming: 6
Home Ec.: N/A
Industrial Arts: N/A
Juvie: N/A
Keepsakes: Mazes & Monsters Players Handbook, binoculars
The Outcast
Origin Talent: Orphan
Specialty: Juvie
Flaw: Whenever you attempt to speak to someone other than a kid, you must test your Pluck with a difficulty equal to the primary listener's Cool. If the person is one of authority, power, or presence, you receive a -1 disadvantage. If speaking in public to no one in particular, the difficulty is 1st grade, plus one grade per five non-kid listeners. If you fail, you are unable to speak and instead revert to your normal state of self-isolation, your eyes downcast and bitter words being muttered beneath your breath.
Forgettable: Whenever the gang is attacked in an action scene, you are the last person to be targeted on the first round. Additionally, when presented with several equally tasty targets at any other point in combat, a creature never chooses to attack you. Finally, in situations where harmful effects like a spell or a widespread attack could just as easily include you in its area as not, the attack does not include you.
Shoplifter: In addition to spending your turn other ways during an action scene, you can pick up and conceal any cat-sized or smaller unattended object that you pass during your turn. Characters who might notice the act may make Seek tests opposed by your Juvie.
Dirty Fighter: If you attempt a Scrap attack against an opponent that you have ambushed, you gain +1 grade to your test. If you succeed at the Scrap test against an ambushed opponent, you may expend one Muscle to also inflict +1 wound.

Cool: 1
Pluck: 1
Imagination: 2 (-1 disadvantage)
Luck: 4
Muscle: 1
Playground Traits
Hide: 4
Seek: 2 (+1 to detect ambushes)
Scamper: 3 (+1 for initiative)
Scrap: 4
Throw: 3
Study Traits
4-H: N/A
Book Learning: 2
Boy Scouts: N/A
Country Club: N/A
Gaming: N/A (-1 disadvantage)
Home Ec.: 1
Industrial Arts: N/A
Juvie: 5
Keepsakes: Lighter, switchblade
The Popular Kid
Origin Talent: Shrimp
Specialty: Cool
Flaw: You suffer -2 disadvantage on any attempt to resist despair and temptations. The narrator can also call for you to make a Pluck test whenever confronted with the opportunity to take something without immediate, obvious consequences.
Ridicule: You must spend your turn and make an opposed Cool test against a character within a stone's throw that can hear you, mocking its abilities, ideas, or even appearance. If you win, your target begins to think what you are saying and suffers a -1 disadvantage on all trait tests for a number of rounds equal to the number of grades by which you won the test. An opponent may only be affected by this ability once per scene.
Confidence: You may re-roll one die any time you roll one or more 1s.
Cute as a Button: Before any actions are taken at the start of any social or action scene, one minor character or your choice within a cricket's hop must make a Cool test opposed by your Cool. If you win during a social scene, the character must gaze in wonder and listen to you speak, without interrupting or taking any actions, for around ten seconds per grade by which you won the test. If you win during an action scene, the character may act normally, but refuses to attack you until you do something against its wishes. Before making the Cool test, you may expend on Imagination to target a number of additional minor characters with this ability equal to your personal grade level.

Cool: 7
Pluck: 1
Imagination: 2
Luck: 1
Muscle: 1 (-2 disadvantage)
Playground Traits
Hide: 1
Seek: 1
Scamper: 2 (+1 for defense against Throw)
Scrap: 1
Throw: 1 (+1 advantage)
Study Traits
4-H: 3
Book Learning: 3
Boy Scouts: N/A
Country Club: 5
Gaming: N/A
Home Ec.: 1
Industrial Arts: N/A
Juvie: N/A
Keepsakes: Parasol, cell phone
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