Most actions that require rolling in Earthdawn are performed using a Skill or a Talent. They are similar in many ways, but also different - only adepts get access to Talents and that is mechanically the core of what sets adepts apart from everyone else.
Skills are mundane abilities, ranging from artisan to combat and knowledge applications. Improving them takes a teacher, Legend Points (experience points), money (plenty of money) and time (precious time). They are also limited to Rank 10. The costs become progressively more expensive, with extensive downtime required to advance them. In addition finding a teacher for the higher Ranks can be a task in itself. This is all by design as it showcases the inherent advantages adepts have over non-adepts in their chosen areas.

Earthdawn Classic expanded beginning character's access to skills and Third Edition increased them further. This change is nice as it allows you to round out a character with more than just the Talents from their Discipline, without actually increasing the "power" of starting characters, just the range of challenges they can competently face. As a houserule, I allow characters to improve Skills without a teacher for significantly increased time spent training - you are reinventing the wheel, after all; though it has rarely come up.
Talents are explicitly magical abilities, some of them more overt than others: Throwing Weapons is superlative skill with anything designed to be thrown, while Lock Picking will conjure a telekinetic lock pick for you, and Air Dance floats you above the ground and grants supernatural speed. Improving them takes Legend Points and 8 hours of meditation. They are limited to Rank 15. These are significant advantages over Skills in pretty much every way - Talents are better and why adepts have major advantages over non-adepts as they increase their Legend, with the explicit caveat that if they lose their magic for whatever reason, they lose access to their Talents.
As discussed previously, Talents are an expression of the connection to your Discipline. In Third Edition there are two types of Talents, Discipline and Option. Discipline Talents represent abilities that every practitioner of your Discipline has; they are used for advancing in Circle and Karma can be spent on them. Talent Options are the areas that are related to your Discipline, but not part of the core curriculum. There is no requirement to ever select them, though at second Circle Durability becomes available and there is no reason to not select it, to the point that I am not alone in houseruling Durability to be a free selection (which is a change in Revised). Their inclusion allows customization within a Discipline - a Swordmaster could decide to focus on dueling and select Acrobatic Strike or socializing and take First Impression. These are what allow you to shape your character outside of their core competencies.
Every new Circle has one new Discipline Talent which must be learned and a new Talent Option can be selected from the available options. As Circles grow higher, Talents become more powerful and more overtly magical. This doesn't mean that you lower level Talents are less useful, far from it - they are the foundation that your character is still built around. Higher end Talents are more specialized, more expensive to improve, and often more costly to use. As an adept gains more Talents, it is subtle, but the game will slowly teach you how their Discipline operates most effectively and how the Talents work together. For example, the Swordmaster will steadily gain Talents that emphasize combat against one opponent and patience; setting things up for a turn where they can apply numerous modifiers and seize the moment. Sky Raiders have a classic Talent combination: Great Leap and Down Strike. They learn Great Leap early, allowing them to make significant movement for free, and learn Down Strike as their damage increasing Talent, which requires them to be descending from above, which tends to be the last thing many a poor Air Sailor sees. This incremental learning gives every player the sense of discovering their Discipline as they advance and exploring new ways to combine their abilities, particularly when Talent Options are included and that growth can be expanded in directions the player wants.
Despite the advantages Talents have over Skills, the latter still have a valuable place in an adepts arsenal. Once you've reached Journeyman status (fifth Circle), the associated costs with Skills are not comparatively bad with the increased costs for new Talents. That period also marks when characters tend to have extended periods of downtime: researching something at great length, crafting a masterpiece, or being involved in the community. During this time players usually start to examine what competencies they would like have do that their Discipline doesn't offer, which is where Skills come into their own. A few Ranks can make a significant difference in performance for minimal investment. This illustrates the system working as intended. An adept will never be overshadowed by Skills, but they can give a character more depth and well-rounded competencies.
Strain is the primary currency for the more powerful Talents: it is blood magic, temporarily sacrificing your strength to fuel your magic. The importance of blood magic within the setting will be discussed in greater detail later. During downtime taking Strain is trivial and in my most recent game, the Nethermancer and Weaponsmith abused it to improve their crafting abilities. In combat, Strain is what allows combat-focused characters to shine. They have a greater reserve to call upon and more ways to spend it. A human spellcaster that learns all of the best combat Talents through Versatility still won't have the "juice" to capitalize on those abilities. This balancing works well and keeps characters from dominating outside of their niche.
Increased competence with a Talent also lends itself to developing new uses for that ability. These are called Knacks and are used to expand on your abilities without having new Talents that are overly-specialized, while keeping the potentially more powerful applications from characters that are just starting. Very few Knacks are automatically purchased (Shadow Hide being a notable exception) and are generally another way to further customize your character; not every Warrior is going to master the ins-and-outs of Thread Weaving, but that means no one will expect it when you do.
The final piece to this topic is Half-Magic. These are the general things you are assumed to be capable of simply by practicing your Discipline, even if there is no Skill or Talent for them specifically; though they will often grant access to Skills. For example, Weaponsmiths may use Half-Magic to care for arms and armor, recognize them and their origins, for crafting metal items and eventually living armor. Like Talents, these are innate knowledge and not gained through any practice, but through aligning your Pattern with the concept of your Discipline - these are things that a Weaponsmith should know, and so they are things that you do know.
I think the only abusive thing about Jak Tak forging the party's weapons was that he didn't charge them for it. But then again, Jak *was* a primitive ork communist with very little regard for the concept of money.
ReplyDeleteThe alternate crafting rules I was testing out were exceptionally generous in that regard, easily letting everyone that used a weapon to fight well above their weight-class. Additional time spent on Forge Weapon was the primary culprit, just using the average result is still a change I like because downtime never feels like a complete waste if you screw up a roll when there is no drama associated with it, just irritation.
ReplyDeleteOne of the ways that it manifested was being flush with cash, though the ornamentation ameliorated that to a degree. Followed by orichalcum fever. The disparity was noticeable behind the scenes, though I am glad you never noticed since that means I was doing my job correctly.
The way the group approached funds was interesting to watch as it evolved. It started as a strict "I got mine". Then, when a physical group fund was introduced, it began to move more and more to communism where everything is shared. Having two players support that transition with actions helped speed that along. The consequences of that was a group approach to the allocation of resources on every level, where individual needs were brought to the group as a whole and determined based on what was available. It was remarkably equitable and fostered considerably more camaraderie, I think. This was in stark contrast to the DDN playtest where funds were divided to the penny to the players and no mention of pooling resources was ever broached.
I've found that cash (or other types of similar reward) issues can change radically depending on the game and party. You were pretty good about charging us for room and board, which rather helped with my verisimilitude. We handled money a lot in that game, and as a party we eventually came to the conclusion that group success was more important than individual advancement.
ReplyDeleteThis contrasts (somewhat hilariously) with the average Shadowrun game, wherein cash rewards are very separated (barring the occasional group expense, like repair work for the van, or replacement distraction explosives). My shaman character spent the last three months eating out of dumpsters because she blew her wad on a crappy cursed power focus. It's a fun contrast: In Earthdawn I work together with my friends, pooling our resources to help not just ourselves, but the setting as a whole. Two ages later, my character can only barely tolerate her teammates long enough to get paid.
And then you contrast it all with a game like L5R. "Money? Please, sir, this crass subject is only dishonoring the both of us!"
love your comments, good read