It has been quite a while since the last post; nearly half of a year. Many crowdfunding campaigns have began and ended since then (20, to be exact). Covering all of those would make this post significantly longer than I intend, not to mention updating all of the projects from days past - some awards have arrived, most have not. Such is the way of the Kickstarter.
To keep this as relevant as possible, I'm just going to be covering projects that are currently active. Hopefully you will find interesting as well.
New Projects

Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: Yes!
Cooperative world-building is often a compelling endeavor, particular one constructed around beliefs and the explicit desire to change the setting. While I'm not entirely certain how this game will play out, it is an interesting concept that I wanted to support.
Read the review.
Read the review.

Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: No [Update]
The first in a series of projects that are not likely to get funded for various reasons. I'm always looking for systems that can handle a variety of genres in different ways - they make a useful resource for tackling whatever strange idea piques my interest. Unfortunately, there much specific to recommend this game over any of the others. The art on display is nice, but what convinced me to back this was the indication of tinkering with your own equipment. I love a good crafting system. As well, custom abilities and magic tend to draw my interest as well.
Funded: No [Update]
The first in a series of projects that are not likely to get funded for various reasons. I'm always looking for systems that can handle a variety of genres in different ways - they make a useful resource for tackling whatever strange idea piques my interest. Unfortunately, there much specific to recommend this game over any of the others. The art on display is nice, but what convinced me to back this was the indication of tinkering with your own equipment. I love a good crafting system. As well, custom abilities and magic tend to draw my interest as well.

Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: No [Update]
This game is an interesting entry - rules light and a design focused around the terrible antics of reality television. It is seems like a cousin to Fiasco, where terrible behavior is rewarded. The mechanics revolve around the persona that you are portraying for the show and how that character is revealed through the story. Keeping in mind the kind of people that make it onto "reality" TV in the first place. Tragically, with only a few days left, funding is unlikely to be met at this point.

Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: No [Update]
A game of mystical conspiracies with parts of Mage: The Ascension, The Everlasting, Unknown Armies, and related games, along with fantastic looking art? Awesome. I was looking forward to this project quite a bit - urban fantasy and conspiracies are one of my favorite game genres. Unfortunately, there isn't much time left for this project and it doesn't look likely to fund. That doesn't mean it cannot be turned around in the last two days. The power of the "Remind Me" button is pretty strong.
Apotheosis Drive X
Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: Yes!
FATE Core-based mecha game that draws from the more anime related inspirations making it more about the characters and using the big-ass robots as an extension of the story? Yes. That. More of that. This took me a nano-second to support when I found it. The biggest risk associated with this project is the group behind it (Machine Age Productions). They do some of the most interesting work around, but have issues with deadlines and delivery. That being said, those concerns are always minimal because this format isn't for traditional delivery of product and I'm willing to wait for something that I really want. The stretch goals on this project (two of which have been met) are additional settings that are rife with game ideas. I won't lie, I want this project to hit $15,000 so I can get mega dragon armor.
Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: No [Update]
I have always had a soft spot for superhero games, though I don't really know why - my comic collection is not large, or full of classic titles. It has also languished for about a decade. Nonetheless, I'm a big fan of game to make super-powered characters and seeing the direction new authors take when trying to deal with the genre. The sheer scope of what any character may want to do is immense and most games are written to make an attempt at accomodating all of them - this is not an easy task. This particular game promises versatility in a simple package with motivations being key. I'd like to see that, and since this is a new edition of a game already out there (even though I haven't looked into it yet... something about pdfs), the risk level is low.
Closes: 30 APR 2013
Funded: Yes! [Update]
A steampunk game with a strong dose of fantasy and a system that seems to embrace high action. What I've seen evokes Castle Falkenstein and Arcanum, which is a very good thing. The art is good, with some of the pieces very good. An interesting element is the concept of serialized adventures. They get sent out at regular intervals and shape the metaplot for the game. I don't know exactly how that may work out, but I would like to find out.
Short Order Heroes
Closes: 06 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes! [Updated]
Full disclosure on this: I was sent a copy of this to review (which is forthcoming) and I would count the man behind this project as one of my closest friends (despite him being banished to Southern California). That being said, I am backing this project because I like it - a lot. And I want all of the cards (stretch goals).
It's both an accessory and a simple game in an of itself - a deck of cards with an adjective and a cute picture associated with the adjective. This is the kind of thing that comes in handy when creating an NPC on the fly, or for players having trouble fleshing out their character (both of these even more in FATE). The project has met it's second stretch goal, so the deck is up to 90 cards and additional stretch goals will and add themed decks (such as places and super powers - I want super powers). There's already discussions about the additional cards to be created; I didn't suggest "misanthropic", but I sure wish I had.
Atlantis: The Second Age
Closes: 09 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes! [Update]
A new game by Jerry D. Grayson? Yes. One that combines Elric and Conan? YES. Swords and sorcery, horror, mighty and fallen empires, dark magics; all of these things sound awesome. It is a new iteration of an older game (the Atlantean Trilogy from long ago), inspired by the previous material. His games always have excellent art and this doesn't seem to be an exception, also dynamic magic and exotic technomantic magic creations? Yes. There is even a 200+ page draft of the text here so that you know what you are getting. This is close to getting funded, so here is to hoping. Also, the stretch goals sound awesome (including an action deck and hardcover upgrade).
Lords of Gossamer and Shadow
Closes: 15 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes!
Amber Diceless Role Playing Game (ADRPG) may be one of the most subtly influential games out there. It still has fervent fans (any property would kill to get the fans Amber has) and there may be something to that. While I have my own opinions and differences with this system, it was revolutionary at its time. It still brings a lot of fantastic ideas to the table and presents a different way of looking at your game. Lords of Gossamer and Shadow is the spiritual successor of ADRPG and presents a new world that is more compelling than the original in many ways. It is designed as a world to be played from the ground up, not an adaptation. This shows in how it provokes your imagination, instead of addressing the texts as they were. The author, Jason Durall, is probably the authority on ADRPG out there and his work shows. Some truly excellent artwork has been paired with his writing for this project, and I've already been conned into running this game online - and I'm pretty excited about it. The second stretch goal for this project is nearly funded: an Icon Deck. That is a set of tarot cards with faces for use in your game. We don't know what Stretch Goal #3 is, but I would like to find out.
Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: Yes!
FATE Core-based mecha game that draws from the more anime related inspirations making it more about the characters and using the big-ass robots as an extension of the story? Yes. That. More of that. This took me a nano-second to support when I found it. The biggest risk associated with this project is the group behind it (Machine Age Productions). They do some of the most interesting work around, but have issues with deadlines and delivery. That being said, those concerns are always minimal because this format isn't for traditional delivery of product and I'm willing to wait for something that I really want. The stretch goals on this project (two of which have been met) are additional settings that are rife with game ideas. I won't lie, I want this project to hit $15,000 so I can get mega dragon armor.

Closes: Closed [Update]
Funded: No [Update]
I have always had a soft spot for superhero games, though I don't really know why - my comic collection is not large, or full of classic titles. It has also languished for about a decade. Nonetheless, I'm a big fan of game to make super-powered characters and seeing the direction new authors take when trying to deal with the genre. The sheer scope of what any character may want to do is immense and most games are written to make an attempt at accomodating all of them - this is not an easy task. This particular game promises versatility in a simple package with motivations being key. I'd like to see that, and since this is a new edition of a game already out there (even though I haven't looked into it yet... something about pdfs), the risk level is low.

Closes: 30 APR 2013
Funded: Yes! [Update]
A steampunk game with a strong dose of fantasy and a system that seems to embrace high action. What I've seen evokes Castle Falkenstein and Arcanum, which is a very good thing. The art is good, with some of the pieces very good. An interesting element is the concept of serialized adventures. They get sent out at regular intervals and shape the metaplot for the game. I don't know exactly how that may work out, but I would like to find out.
Short Order Heroes
Closes: 06 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes! [Updated]
Full disclosure on this: I was sent a copy of this to review (which is forthcoming) and I would count the man behind this project as one of my closest friends (despite him being banished to Southern California). That being said, I am backing this project because I like it - a lot. And I want all of the cards (stretch goals).
It's both an accessory and a simple game in an of itself - a deck of cards with an adjective and a cute picture associated with the adjective. This is the kind of thing that comes in handy when creating an NPC on the fly, or for players having trouble fleshing out their character (both of these even more in FATE). The project has met it's second stretch goal, so the deck is up to 90 cards and additional stretch goals will and add themed decks (such as places and super powers - I want super powers). There's already discussions about the additional cards to be created; I didn't suggest "misanthropic", but I sure wish I had.

Closes: 09 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes! [Update]
A new game by Jerry D. Grayson? Yes. One that combines Elric and Conan? YES. Swords and sorcery, horror, mighty and fallen empires, dark magics; all of these things sound awesome. It is a new iteration of an older game (the Atlantean Trilogy from long ago), inspired by the previous material. His games always have excellent art and this doesn't seem to be an exception, also dynamic magic and exotic technomantic magic creations? Yes. There is even a 200+ page draft of the text here so that you know what you are getting. This is close to getting funded, so here is to hoping. Also, the stretch goals sound awesome (including an action deck and hardcover upgrade).

Closes: 15 MAY 2013
Funded: Yes!
Amber Diceless Role Playing Game (ADRPG) may be one of the most subtly influential games out there. It still has fervent fans (any property would kill to get the fans Amber has) and there may be something to that. While I have my own opinions and differences with this system, it was revolutionary at its time. It still brings a lot of fantastic ideas to the table and presents a different way of looking at your game. Lords of Gossamer and Shadow is the spiritual successor of ADRPG and presents a new world that is more compelling than the original in many ways. It is designed as a world to be played from the ground up, not an adaptation. This shows in how it provokes your imagination, instead of addressing the texts as they were. The author, Jason Durall, is probably the authority on ADRPG out there and his work shows. Some truly excellent artwork has been paired with his writing for this project, and I've already been conned into running this game online - and I'm pretty excited about it. The second stretch goal for this project is nearly funded: an Icon Deck. That is a set of tarot cards with faces for use in your game. We don't know what Stretch Goal #3 is, but I would like to find out.
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